{EXTRA} The Gift Of A Scientist

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"I had a puzzle like this when I was a kid!" Rody chuckled as he fidgeted with the puzzle-like object that came out of the case.
You watched as his hands moved with ease, figuring out the puzzle.
Your boyfriend pouted in the corner, yet watched with awe.
"I could've done that.." he muttered.
"Oh yeah I think I got it!" Rody laughed, opening the last of the puzzle up and dropping two cards.
You caught them in your hand and looked at them.
"I'm guessing we need to figure out what's on this card" you said, picking up the small computer chip.
"There's a town at the foot of the mountain. Let's investigate there."
"Right!" you said, standing, before falling over again as your body gave out below you.
"Whoa you okay (Y/N)?!" Rody and Katsuki both gasped as you fell.
Katsuki growled at Rody, and the boy put a hand behind his neck.
"My legs gave out but I'll be fine" you laughed, trying to stand again.
"Don't be an idiot" Katsuki grumbled, putting an arm under yours and helping you up.
Rody ran to your other side, helping even out your weight.
"Oi! Creep! I can do it myself!" Katsuki yelled.
"Alright jeez!" he yelped, letting you go and backing away.
"Katsuki! Be nice to him!" you growled.
"Don't tell me what to do, dumbass."
You all stopped at a nearby hotel, taking one of the rooms for you all to clean up before you checked out the card.
"God..you could've died (Y/N)!" Izuku said as he finished wrapping your bandages around you.
"I know."
You coughed into your fist, seeing blood on your hand.
"You sure did take a beating for that moron" Katsuki growled as he glared at Rody.
"What's your problem with me? I haven't done anything to you" Rody growled.
"How do I know you didn't do anything to her?!" Katsuki barked.
"Katsuki! Rody! That's enough!" you yelled, before coughing in pain and slouching down as you grew weaker.
The boys didn't listen to you and continued to fight with each other.
"KACCHAN!" Izuku yelled as your eyes began to close.
Izuku frowned as Katsuki's eyes darted to you.
"Are you alright my love?" he asked, going to your side and kneeling.
"Stop fighting with an innocent man! He didn't touch me. Nothing happened and nothing will. I love you and only you" you sighed, sitting up.
"We both said we're more like family to each other, not lovers."
Katsuki growled.
"Stop being so difficult with her Bakugo."
Shoto stepped in.
"Stay out of this you half and half bastard!"
"Enough!" you yelled, standing up.
"We don't have the time for this. Katsuki, I already said what I needed to. Stop being in your feelings and act your goddamn age. The world is ending and we're more worried about a petty feud."
You groaned and walked out of the room.
"Where are you going?" Katsuki asked.
"Doing what needs to be done."
You put the small chip into the computer and waited for it to load.
You ignored your boyfriend as he wrapped his arms around your waist.
"Let go of me Katsuki. Right now."
"I'm sorry...I just..don't want anyone to take you from me..you're perfect..and you're mine.."
You sighed, relaxing into his touch.
"I know..and you know I'd never leave you..that I promise" you said.
"I know but..I saw the way he looked at you and I saw-"
"Love? Adoration?" you asked.
You turned around, grabbing his arms as he held onto you tighter.
"Baby, you're my everything. Rody..he's family to me..a brother. And even if he wasn't, he could never replace you..I love you."
"It's just.."
You pressed your lips onto his, silencing him as he let out a shaky breath.
"You don't need to worry. I'm not going anywhere."
He let go of you slowly once the others joined you and you heard the computer beep, signaling it was done loading.
You turned back around and gasped when you saw all the small files.
"There's so many!" you said, before Katsuki pulled you back and took your spot.
"I got this. Where's the most recent timestamp?" he growled, grabbing the mouse and searching for the most recent file.
"It's this video file!"
He clicked on a file, a blank screen showing up and playing.
You, Izuku, Shoto, and Rody all gathered closer, listening in to the audio.
"Hello. My name is Allen K. Along with several other scientists, I was kidnapped by Humarise. They forced use to manufacture functioning trigger bombs against our will. The first terrorist attack against that city was nearly a ploy, to gather the worlds top heroes where the Humarise branches are located. The boss is planning on using those bombs to eradicate those Pros. Thus, eliminating the Hero population. After losing its top heroes, society will collapse, allowing a new one to be built. One where only the quirkless is allowed. That is Flect Turns plan. He's the leader of Humarise, a mad man. I hope my voice will reach the heroes in time. Eddie Soul, another scientist here lost his life helping me. He made the key I've included that will disarm the bombs at the base. Please, save the world."
The audio came to an end and you took in what you heard.
With your mouth agape, you picked up the blue card, the key, and eyed it before turning to see Rody, who was staring at the screen with teary eyes.
You saw Pino on top of his head, a tear falling down her cheeks.
"Rody I-"
"AHHH!" a woman screamed, followed by a crowd of people that ran out of the building.
"Humarise, a terrorist group working towards the salvation of humanity has placed bombs around the world. They will explode in one hour and fifty minutes unless the heroes are able to find and disarm them worldwide. As you might expect, panic has ripped the areas where the devices are set to be located. Heroes are working to evacuate people to safety. The areas to be affected by the bombs are as follows."
You watched the TV in horror as the news showed a map of all the areas they planned to bomb.
Rody ran up to the screen in a panic, eyes searching frantically for a place on the map.
"No it can't be...that circles in Otheon! My house is inside of it!"
You gasped.
Rody looked down, eyes glassy.
You put a hand on his shoulder, opening your mouth to speak before Shoto spoke before you had a chance.
"We have to send this to HQ..tell the heroes to evacuate-"
"We can't do that!" Katsuki gruffed.
"Heroes won't evacuate, they'll continue to do their job and save everyone before they even think twice about themselves!" you explained.
"Our best bet is to use that disarming key. It's up to us to disarm those bombs!" Shoto said.
You all gasped.
"We don't even know where the main base is, how are we supposed to do that?"
"On it!"
Katsuki rushed back to the computer pushing Shoto out of the way.
"The answer has to be in here somewhere. You're an idiot if you make a key without telling where the lock is."
He clicked on a new file, a map of all the targeted areas shown and another map.
"You look for the place that wasn't part of their announcement" he added, zooming in on an island.
"This is where their base is."
You gasped as you watched him go deeper and find the main controls.
"It looks like it's underground," Izuku muttered.
"It's over four hundred kilometers away from where we are!" Shoto stuttered.
"There's no way we could make it there in time."
"No, we can make it" Rody argued.
You all turned to him, seeing him on a map.
He pointed at something and you smiled.
"I think I know how I can get us there."
The four of you departed from the Klayd Airport with Rody behind the wheel.
Pino panicked as she sat in his hair.
"Don't worry..I know the basic controls" he reassured her.
"This is no time to be chirping."
You slid your gloves on, and adjusted your headset in the back as the others changed into their hero costumes.
You saw Katsuki snap his gauntlets in place before making a fist with his hands at his sides.
"You ready?" you asked him.
"Hell yeah. I'll crush those crazy cult bastards!" he growled.
You smiled, closing your shaky hands into fists.
"Hey..be careful out there."
You nodded.
"I will be."
"This could be the last time we see each other alive..if we fail-"
You pushed you lips onto his before he could finish his sentence.
"We're not going to. We'll save the world. That is a promise."
You kissed him one last time, before joining Rody at the front.
"We're almost there," he said.
You sat down in the seat across from him.
"We'll save them for you, Rody. We'll save everyone. That is a promise."
He nodded.
"Don't go dying on me sweetheart" he chuckled, before the GPS beeped.
"This is it! Brace yourselves, I'm going in for a landing!" he told the others.
You looked out of the window and saw the gloomy and rainy terrain in front of you.
You saw the cave entrance and sighed.
"No..I'm afraid this is where we say goodbye" you smiled sadly, kissing his cheek one last time and walking to the back.
"Wait what?"
You pushed the hatch button, watching it open to let you out.
"You turn back, and be safe."
"Extras like you should stay out," Katsuki grumbled.
You all jumped out of the chopper and into the storm.
"This is a job for heroes."

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