{48} Screwed Up

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As soon as the battle began, Katsuki took off, leaving you and Izuku behind.
"Sigh, Kacchan is always like this when it comes to me. Come on (Y/N)" Izuku said, beginning to run after the hothead as he walked further away.
You sighed, before walking behind the two rivals as they 'chatted' about what they were going to do in the battle.
They do not get along, and with Izuku getting in his face like that, it won't be long until I have to step in, you thought as you watched the two begin to bicker.
Katsuki began to walk faster, trying to get away from Izuku before he did something he'd regret.
Izuku didn't seem to care, and continued to run after him.
Crap, gotta get Izuku away, you thought, beginning to run towards the two as Izuku approached Katsuki.
Just before Izuku reached the angry Katsuki, you pushed Izuku, and ended up taking a hard hit to the head, causing you to fall to the ground.
"I don't wanna-" Katsuki said, but stopped as he saw you on the ground holding your head.
"S-shit" you said, bringing your hand down to see a little bit of blood on it.
"(Y/N)?! Was it you I-" he began to ask, before seeing Izuku who was standing up with no problem.
"(Y/N)! You took the hit for me!" Izuku said, running over to you and holding a hand out.
"Tch..you're such a dumbass. I wasn't trying to hit you" Katsuki said.
"Sure, but you were gonna hurt Izuku, a valuable member of this team. We need him just as much as we need you" you said, taking Izuku's hand and getting up.
"We don't need his dumbass power! You just protected him because you're an idiot! And want to get yourself killed" Katsuki growled.
Your eyes went wide, before calming your composure and sighing.
"Sure..whatever you say" you said, looking down, hurt that he said you wanted to get yourself killed.
Before anyone had the chance to speak, a strong gust of wind came to blow at you and your teammates.
"Who really cares if I destroy this city?" A loud voice boomed.
You all looked and saw All Might, his blue eyes shining through all the smoke.
What? Why is he...so intimidating?
"If you think of this as an exam and not a real fight, you'll be sorry. I'm a villain now heroes" All Might said.
You heard Izuku yell for you to run, but instead you stayed put and watched as Katsuki smiled.
You looked over at All Might who was beginning to run towards Katsuki.
You saw a chance to step next to him, and use Explosion.
"How about a stun grenade?!" Katsuki yelled, putting his arm in front of him and launching an explosion.
You were going to do as he did, but instead, warped to behind All Might, to attack from there.
Just as All Might was stunned, Katsuki had jumped to attack, but instead got caught by All Might, who was holding onto the angry blonds face.
"Let go damnit!" Katsuki yelled, setting off mini blasts in attempt to get All Might off.
Before you could launch an attack, you stopped.
No, I can't risk hurting Katsuki with his own-, you began to think, before being knocked to the ground.
All Might had spun Katsuki's body around, hitting you in the process, and knocking you both down.
"You're mini blasts did hardly more than a sting. And you, Young Chisaki, you cannot risk doubting yourself" He said, before letting go of Katsuki's face and turning to Izuku.
Shoot, he thinks it was self-doubt. But it was worry about hurting Katsuki. Hurting your teammates isn't the way to win, you thought as you struggled to get up, head pounding with aches and pains.
You took off towards All Might, creating a spear and readied to throw it at him.
Just as it launched and landed in one of his arms, you heard Izuku and Katsuki cry out in pain.
You looked over to see them crashing into each other, and crumbling down to the ground.
Before All Might had a chance to attack, you looked back over and tapped his arm, using Foresight and predicting his next moves.
He was about to knee you in the stomach, but you moved in time, and jumped, launching a few feathers into his leg as your wings appeared.
Instead of focusing on he boys, you focused on fighting against All Might, trying your best to defend against him as the others walked closer to him.
You grabbed one of your big feathers, and rushed towards him.
Before you could land a hit on him, he punched the air in front of you, sending you flying backwards, straight into a building, causing the glass to break and impale your skin.
"Ah!" You screamed as you felt your wings break, and the glass impale the bare parts of your skin.
Feeling blood start to drip, you tried to sit up, struggling and falling over.
Crap, he broke my wings, and made me crash into a glass building with just one hit, what the hell is this power?!, you thought as you coughed, seeing Izuku being caught and become stuck under a small gate.
All Might moved to Katsuki next.
Katsuki put his hand out and prepped to explode, only to be punched in the stomach, hard.
You watched as your boyfriend gagged and vomited as he flew through the air, landing on the ground at a distance far from yours.
"Katsuki!" You yelled.
"Kacchan are you ok?!" Izuku yelled from under the gate.
You struggled to get up, to even get up, it was painful.
You managed to get up, and began to walk toward Izuku.
"Izuku, be powering up and ready to go get Katsuki" you yelled, now running to your target.
Just as you looked up at the scene with All Might and Katsuki, you saw Katsuki standing, hunched over and putting a gauntlet to his stomach.
You didn't hear their whole conversation, but you heard the last words they spoke.
"If I'm so bad that I need to get help from weaklings like them, then I'd rather lose this, you hear me?" Katsuki mumbled, looking up at All Might, a drop of vomit dripping from his chin.
Weaklings?, You thought, disintegrating the small gate that held Izuku down.
Before you had a chance to speak to him, Izuku took off, hitting Katsuki on the cheek with a fist, right before All Might could.
"Don't you dare say that you'd rather lose! Let's win this Kacchan!" Izuku yelled as his fist made contact with Katsuki's cheek.
Instead of following and helping Izuku with Katsuki, you ran towards All Might, just as a loud thump sounded from Katsuki landing.
"I wasn't expecting Young Midoriya to swoop in like that, guess they caught me off guard" All Might mumbled, completely unaware of your presence.
Now's my chance, make him float and kick him around, you thought, now running silently towards All Might.
Just as you reached towards him, he turned around, his large fist making contact with your stomach, much like how he hit Katsuki.
Just as you got launched back into the building behind you, you gagged and vomited, becoming weaker.
Hitting the glass behind you, it shattered and impaled your skin once again.
"Shit!" You screamed, glass now digging into your skin even more, and vomit covering your chin.
You wiped your face with your glove, and instead of standing up, you teleported yourself to the alleyway Izuku had carried Katsuki to.
When you got there, you doubled over and threw up again, falling to your knees.
"(Y/N)?!" Izuku yelled, running over to you and pulling your hair back.
"I-I'm fine" you said, growing weaker.
"You have so much glass in your skin!" He said, beginning to pick out some little pieces.
"Ow! Shit Izuku that hurts!" You growled.
"Oh I'm so sorry! I just want to pick all of the glass out ouch! Hey Kacchan that was rude!" Izuku yelled, before being pulled away by a very tired and beat up looking Katsuki.
"K-katsu?" You managed to mumble out, before lay down to the floor.
"Shut up idiot. Let me get the glass out" he said, already taking some of the pieces out.
"S-sure. Just hurry up before All Might finds us. Ah-" you began, only to feel him taking out a big chunk of glass from your arm.
He watched before continuing, staring into your eyes.
"Use your rewind quirk to rewind the wounds as much as you can. I'll warm up your arm with my hands when the pieces are out. Got it hotshot?" Katsuki said.
You nodded before you felt the piece begin to leave your arm.
Crap! This shit hurts!, you thought, feeling the glass completely leave, and his hand be placed above it, warming it up and making some pain subside.
You began to use Rewind, making the wound close up only a little bit.
"That's as much as I can heal it for now, I don't need to waste time" you said sitting up, but falling back down, coughing.
"Here. Hey, you damn nerd, don't just stand there, look out for All Might" Katsuki said, before gripping onto your arms and helping you stand.
You struggled, but ended up standing.
"Thanks Katsuki" you mumbled, looking into his eyes.
"Mm. Anything for you dumbass" Katsuki said, eyes filled with softness.
You looked into his eyes until they wandered and saw a few drops of his vomit still on his chin and lips.
You reached a hand to wipe it away, using your gloved hand.
He felt you clean up his face and blushed a little.
"...t-thanks hotshot" he whispered, before turning to Izuku.
"Alright Deku, what's the plan?" Katsuki asked.
"Wait you're asking for his help?! Since when?" You asked.
"Unless you got a plan?" Katsuki replied.
"As a matter of fact I do"
"You're going the wrong way!" Katsuki yelled as he blasted his way towards All Might, who happened to be passing by.
"That's supposed to be a sneak attack?" All Might smiled, turning his head and seeing Katsuki.
Before All Might could attack Katsuki, he backed away, defending himself with an explosion.
"Deku, (Y/N) GO!" Katsuki yelled.
As you heard his yell, you and Izuku slid out and into the smoke.
Izuku was wearing one of your boyfriends gauntlets, and you went in with no gear.
"I'm sorry All Might!" Izuku apologized as Katsuki yelled for you to shoot now.
You watched Izuku pull the small grenade trigger, and all the explosive sweat came out into one huge explosion.
Instead of using a gauntlet, you mustered all the power you could, into one massive explosion like Izuku's.
Your arm began to sting, burning as your muscles worked hard to control the explosion.
You stopped using explosion and jumped, letting smaller explosions push you threw the air.
"Run you idiot!" You heard Katsuki yell to Izuku.
"Do you think that KO'd him?" Izuku asked.
"Of course not! You're the one that keeps whining about how it's impossible to defeat him!" Katsuki yelled.
"What do we do when he catches up?" You asked, only to be hit in the head with another explosion.
This time, it seemed much more out of control.
"Holy crap-" you yelled, the impact of the explosion, sending you straight into another glass building.
"Y-you need to stop making me go into glass buildings!" You whined, your head now bleeding even worse.
"Shut the hell up. You should know what we do when he catches up. It was your plan!" Katsuki yells.
"S-sure but..ugh" you whined, holding onto your head as more glass falls on top of it.
Crap, if I keep going into glass buildings, I'll be a goner, you thought.
"Well, since she's being an idiot, when he catches up, it'll be my turn to blast him to hell with a gauntlet" Katsuki grumbles.
"Interesting, and then what will you do?" All Might says as he catches up to you all, breaking both of Katsuki's gauntlets.
You couldn't hear his yells, and instead watched as All Might kneed Katsuki under his chin, sending him flying into a building.
"Shit, Katsuki!" You yelled, ignoring the pain that was coursing threw every inch of your body, and stood up.
You zoomed towards All Might, the capture cuffs in hand.
You threw them, only for them to miss. Silently cursing under your breath you made another spear, and readied to throw it.
Katsuki came blasting down, only to be stopped and thrown to the ground with Izuku on top of him.
You threw your spear, and All Might caught it, throwing it back at you.
It went threw your boot, and stabbed into your thigh.
Screaming in pain, All Might punched your side, making your back crack and causing you to fall to the floor.
You lay there, holding onto your side, and trying to get the spear out of your leg.
"You're all pinned, and injured. This is over heroes" All Might said, his foot atop Katsuki's back, and holding onto Izuku's hood.
He threw Izuku, making him cry in pain.
"Shut up!" Katsuki yelled, his hand flipping over and exploding All Might away and off of him.
Katsuki struggled to get up, but managed. Once he was up, he grabbed Izuku, and yelled at him to be ready to fly.
"Now DIE!" Katsuki yelled, throwing Izuku away into the air.
You struggled to get up, pulling out the spear fast and throwing it away.
"You alright (Y/N)?" Katsuki asked.
"H-he broke some of my ribs, but I'll be fine" you said.
He nodded, before turning back to All Might who was going after Izuku.
The two of you stayed back and fought against All Might.
"Even if you both are learning how to use your pathetic powers, I can still move better than you" Katsuki yelled, setting off an explosion at All Might as he came back from attacking Izuku.
You saw Izuku on the floor, crawling towards the exit.
You aimed your hands at All Might as Katsuki grunted in pain from using too many big explosions.
You set fire towards All Might, before he turned back to Izuku, ready to finish him and win.
Katsuki went forward, in front of All Might and readied for another explosion, only to be avoided and grabbed.
All Might grabbed his face and rammed him into the ground, head first.
"KATSUKI!" you screamed, before running towards him.
We either capture him or run right? Well, I'll create more handcuffs, and put them on him, you thought, putting a hand to your chest and making another pair of cuffs.
You lunged at All Might, but instead went towards his ankles.
He saw this and lifted his foot, then stomping it down on your back.
Cracking came from he impact, making the rest of your body go limp.
"Nice try Young Chisaki but you won't win so simply" All Might said.
You looked at Katsuki, who had seemed to be knocked out.
No...we can't lose..not now.. You thought, arms coming up, readying the cuffs.
Before you did anything, you dropped the cuffs, and put your hands to your forehead, in a praying form.
Then you moved the tip of your fingers towards Katsuki, mustering all the energy and power you had left, transferring it to him.
You grabbed the handcuffs, and clipped one to one of All Mights ankles.
"T-there. We win" you whispered, before taking a breath, and letting go.
"All finals of Class 1-A have been concluded"
Third Person POV~
Katsuki, Izuku and Chisaki's team had ended up winning, thanks to Chisaki's quick thinking.
Thanks to Recovery Girl, none of their wounds were permanent.
Katsuki did not pass out at the end of the battle, thanks to Chisaki, who had transfered her power to him.
He was thankful, but very worried.
He wanted his girlfriend to be OK, and wanted to apologize for everything he may have said to hurt her.
Would he ever get the chance to, he thought.
Chisaki left the battle field with glass stuck in her skin and broken ribs.
Of course all those times that Katsuki hit her were part of her injury.
Now that their finals were all passed or failed, what'll happen at the mall while Class 1-A is there?
Will Chisaki encounter a very familiar person, and will her boyfriend apologize for all those times he could've killed her?

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