{82} Go ahead

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As you all rushed inside, you were swarmed by a bunch of low level Yakuza members, swearing they were innocent and there was nothing for you all to search.
"I'm surprised my father didn't kill them. They all look to be nothing but low levels, which Kai hates. Even had me kill a few when I was three" you yelled as you shoved one away from you.
"Look! It's Overhaul's kid! Get her!" One of the thugs yelled.
You growled.
"I'm who's kid?!" you screamed, using your strength to make a bubble around you all, and pushing the people outside into the walls.
"Raagh!" You growled as you caught each one into the ground using your own Overhaul quirk.
"Nighteye, you all go ahead! Me and Bubble Girl will stay back to make sure no one gets out of here" Centipeder said.
He nodded.
"You heard them, let's go!" Sir said.
You made rope and threw it next to Bubble Girl.
"Use that just in case Bubble Girl!" You yelled before following Sir.
"Why would they even swarm us like that? They must've known our plan! Meaning someone here leaked it!" Rock Lock yelled.
You flinched.
You knew he was directing that at you.
"Stop it already! Stop fucking assuming that I'm responsible for this! I hate my father! Hate that bastard with everything I am! Why would I EVER do something like that?! I'm trying to be a hero, to save people from monsters like the bastard my father is! So if you still think I'd do this, you're as stupid as you are weak" you yelled.
"Oh you little-" he said.
He pushed you into one of the walls, making you grunt.
You saw him get pushed off of you.
"GET OFF NOW" Aizawa yelled.
"Do not fight everyone. We shouldn't do this. We have to save the child in danger! Not fight with each other" Sir yelled.
"DON'T TOUCH MY KID AGAIN" Aizawa said before letting him go and walking over to you.
"You alright?" He asked.
You panted and nodded.
"I'm fine. Thanks dad" you said.
The ground below you began to move and the walls too.
"Whoa! This must be someone's quirk!" You said.
You held onto the wall and searched for the person responsible.
Before you could find them, the open hall shut.
Shoot..whoever this is..my father must really be hiding something if he's ordered these people to fight for him, you thought.
Mirio began to run ahead.
"Mirio!" You panicked.
He looked at you, before going towards you.
"Come with me. We can go ahead..and save Eri!" He said.
"And take him down" you added.
He held his fist out.
You smirked and fist bumped him, copying his power.
"It is trickier than it sounds!" You heard his words echo.
Let's do it.
The two of you ran ahead and neared the wall.
"Mirio! Chisaki!" Sir yelled.
You didn't look back, and ran threw the cement wall.
I'm sorry everyone. But I need to save her.
"We made it!" Mirio said as the two of you ran.
"Don't worry about using your power now! I can break the rest of these walls" you said.
"Why didn't you do that then instead of running threw it?!" Mirio panted.
"Because. I need to do this. I need to face against him. And save the girl I failed to. She's suffered long enough. It's only been a few weeks yes..and I suffered for four years of my life! No one should ever have to face what he did to me!" You said.
"You're determined..and strong! You can do it (Y/N)!" He cheered.
"But I wonder..how are the other heroes doing? Tamaki and the rest of them."
You got an idea, and stopped running.
"What are you doing (Y/N)" Mirio said as he turned around and stopped.
You double tapped your communicator and turned it into a power source.
You activated Telepath and relayed a message;
"Heroes! I thank you personally for everything you've done! Tamaki! Eraserhead! Nighteye! Everyone! Please, keep doing your best! Take this time to heal. I'm sending each of you some of my power! I hope it helps" you relayed.
You began to split up your power and send it in the directions using the transmitter on your head.
You knelt down, feeling the power draining.
That was more than half..but I don't care.
"Wow! I didn't know you could do that!" Mirio said.
You panted and stood up.
"Yep. I've never gave my power to so many people. I'm able to move..I hope that if it comes down to it, I'll be able to fight" you said.
"Well..let's keep running! We can break threw all the walls!" He said.
You nodded and the two of you began to run.
Third Person POV~
"Boss. Heroes are inside" Chrono said.
"Word is that your daughter is in here too."
"Not a problem with the heroes. I need some way to get my hands on the girl. So that way with her blood and Eri's in the bullet..they will be unstoppable" Kai said.
My little monster is back..right back at home. She will be mine again, Kai thought to himself.
"Chrono. As long as we keep these bullets safe, and Eri, all we need is her. Then our plan will be done. Protect Eri. And I'll worry about the bullets and (Y/N)."

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