{95} Waves

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You stand at the top of the mountain, alongside Izuku, Shoji, Kyoka, and Ojiro.
You felt a tug on your boot and you looked down to see Katsuma and Mahoro looking up at you.
"What's wrong?" you asked as you crouched down to be eye level with the pair.
"W-will the heroes be okay? The villains-"
You put a hand on top of Katsuma's head, and smiled, tilting your head to the side.
"Don't worry about us! Each of us can hold our own in a battle! We've been through more than this! So I promise you, we'll be fine!" you said.
"Ms. Overhaul, please..don't risk your life for me! Just give me to the villains!" Katsuma cried.
"No can do Katsuma. Heroes do whatever they can to keep everyone safe. Including the target" you smiled.
"I promise, I'll do my best to keep you and your sister safe."
You stood up and walked towards Izuku, just as an explosion went off.
"Sounds like they're getting everyone into their positions" Kyoka said as she listened on the ground using her earphone jack.
"That's great. (Y/N), you know what to do" Izuku said as he turned to look at you.
You nodded and quickly changed your headpiece into goggles and an earpiece.
You took flight, heading towards the big explosion.
"Hanta!" you called out as he used his tape to attack the villain with rocks that were held up by Ochako's Zero Gravity.
"(Y/N)! Welcome to the party!" he said as he jumped to a different section to avoid Nine's attacks.
You plucked your biggest feathers and flew to attack the villain in close combat.
You striked with them, only for him to block your move.
"You again? I thought I killed you" he said.
"Never underestimate me you damned villain!" you said, jumping back to avoid his attack.
You froze the ground below you, and ran at him with your hands heated.
You put them forward and used an explosion to stun him.
He blocked again, and he shot at you almost immediately after, giving you no time to dodge.
You prepared yourself to get hurt, until you felt yourself getting lifted and thrown.
"Look out there Overhaul!" Hanta said as he released you from his tape.
"Right. Thanks!" You yelled as you retreated back to where the others were.
Instead of giving away their positions, you just teleported there.
"(Y/N)!" the others yelled as they ran towards your injured form.
"I'm f-fine.." you panted.
"Your arm!" Mahoro yelled as she covered her mouth.
You looked at your arm and quickly healed it.
"Nothing more than a scratch! Don't worry about me."
You shook your head and prepped to fly again.
"The others may need help! I have to go to someone else" you said.
You felt a hand on your back and you stopped.
"You should rest! Save your energy for when it truly matters" Izuku stated.
"The others..I can't just let them fight on their own.."
You shook his hand off and flew away, slight regret in your mind.
You flew towards the waterfall section, where Shoto, Tsuyu, Eijiro, and Tenya were facing off against the beast.
You saw flames lighting up the trees, and you fell to the ground, facing the beast that the others were in the middle of fighting.
"(Y/N)?! Shouldn't you be with the others?!" Shoto yelled.
You didn't answer him and instead eyes the beast.
"Another hero eh? Can't face me on your own and you called for backup?!" he yelled.
"Shoto, I'm not here to help you fight your rematch, I'm here to just replenish all of your stamina and health. We have Nine under control" you told him.
You used Search to get information on the beast, and gave away some of your energy to heal and help the rest of the heroes.
"Thanks (Y/N)!" Eijiro thought.
"Chimera. He can make himself bigger and beastly. He breathes fire, and super strength. Best of luck" you said, using Telepath to tell them, before you teleported out of there.
Once you appeared back with everyone else, you noticed that everyone actually wasn't there.
Where is everyone-
"Damn, took you long enough to get here dumbass" someone said.
You snapped your head to see Katsuki standing behind a pillar.
"Huh?!" you asked.
"It's our time to attack."
Before you had a chance to see what was going on, you watched Katsuki explode his way towards Nine.
Nine deflected his attack and frowned at Katsuki as he landed on the ground.
"You're still alive?" he asked.
Katsuki smirked.
"Guess you should've hit me harder" he said as he ran to attack again.
You ran into the battle with fire fueling you forward, and you saw Izuku jumping down from where he was to help you.
"This is it you guys..the final boss."

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