{EXTRA} Tweedle

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"Keep eating Lunch with strawberries And make sure You eat the Dinner in the fridge too."
"What does that even mean?" I asked Claire who read the message from (Y/N) over my shoulder.
"Perhaps it's some sort of code? Could they be fleeing to the neighboring country of Klayd?" she asked.
"That's brilliant! If she's going there then I am too. Tell the old man the update" I said, walking out of the room.
The elevator dinged and in walked Bakugo.
I grabbed his arm and dragged him with me.
"What the hell?! Let go of me!" he yelled.
"You'll want to come with me."
"Like hell!"
"It's about your girlfriend."
Your POV
I hope Shoto understood my message..
You took the battery out of your phone once again.
"This is our stop" the boy next to you said as he closed the locket he held in his hands and tucked it back into his hoodie.
You looked around, noticing the deserted part of the city.
You grabbed a hold of him and jumped off the bus, landing safely on the ground before letting him go.
"We should be pretty safe here. Doesn't look like there's a lot of police around" you said.
"Hey, is it okay if I go make a call?"
You nodded.
"Make it quick."
You kept watch for any passing cars as your partner went to make a call.
You heard him slam the phone back into place with his hands clenched into fists.
"Hey are you alright?" you asked, walking over to where he was.
"Yeah. Life couldn't be any better" he lied putting a smile on his face.
"No need for sarcasm."
"Sorry sweetheart. Not all of us can be carefree" he said, putting his hands in the pocket of his hoodie.
"Don't call me that."
"Then what should I call you? Pumpkin? Tweedle? Cutie? Babe?"
"How bout none of those?" you growled.
"Point taken."
You put a hand to your temple.
"And I'm not carefree...you're not the only one who left behind someone they love" you said, looking at the ring you wore on your finger.
"Ah so you're engaged? Who's the lucky guy?" he smiled, elbowing your side.
"I'm not engaged, you moron! I'm sixteen!"
You rolled your eyes as he laughed.
"Ah so I can still shoot my shot?" he laughed.
You smiled, giggling at his stupid action.
"In your dreams."
Third Person POV
"Huh? So you think that the cases got switched?" Bakugo asked Shoto as they rode on a train to the border where (Y/N) and the victim would be meeting them.
"Yes. The jewelry store was robbed by a villain. But (Y/N) thinks there was some kind of mix up on the street. So the one she has now belongs to a Humarise member. No jewelry."
Bakugo stood from his crouched position with an annoyed huff.
"That idiot..what was she thinking? Running away with some stranger even after they knew it wasn't the right case. He better not even think about touching her" he growled, fists clenching at the thought of someone else laying their fingers on his lover.
"Obviously the police are helping Humarise if they went as far as to make up some lie."
"Humarise infiltrated the police force."
Shoto nodded.
"We have to be careful."
"I'll do what I want."
"Hey, stranger" you said.
"You almost done?"
The two of you sat in an abandoned barn that was dimly lit by a small fire.
He growled as he fought with the extra piece of bandages as he re-wrapped your wound.
"Got it! And could you please not call me stranger? We're not strangers anymore sweetheart" he whined as he taped the edge of the wrap.
"I'm not your sweetheart..and you refuse to tell me your name" you growled.
You put your tank top back on and over you before you turned around to look at the boy.
"Thanks for helping me with that," you said.
"Anytime princess" he winked.
You rolled your eyes with a laugh, before you felt a cold breeze hit your skin.
You shivered, putting a hand to your bare arm.
"Cold?" he asked.
You nodded but shook it off.
"Don't worry about me..I-I'll be fine" you lied as you sneezed.
"Ah now don't be like that. Here."
You looked up at him as he took off his hoodie, a nice shirt layered underneath.
He held his hoodie out to you.
You shook your head.
"Come on now..please? You need it more than I do" he smiled, standing up and standing over you.
"Arms up."
You hesitated, before you put your arms up.
He slid the sleeves onto your arms gently, putting the hoodie over you and staying mindful of your injury.
"Now you won't be so cold," he laughed.
You held onto the hoodie with thanks, before hearing a small chirping sound.
You looked over to see the small pink bird blushing with a wing over its mouth.
You smiled as you watched the embarrassment only grow worse as you watched it.
"Why are you being so nice to me? I got you involved with something that could potentially get you killed.." you said.
"Eh sure but, still. You saved my life multiple times, it's the least I could do."
You smiled up at him as he walked back to his spot and sat.
"We should probably get to sleep."
"Mm. That's probably for the best. We have a long day of walking ahead of us."
"Ugh! We really can't go and just steal a car?" he whined as he laid down on a stack of hay.
"You know me..we can't. If you get tired, I'll just carry you on my back" you laughed, laying down across from him and laying on your side.
He turned to look at you and his eyes darted to your shoulder.
"You're injured because of me. I don't wanna be a burden."
"You're not a burden. It's my job to keep you safe as a hero."
He chuckled, before he laid on his back.
"Goodnight tweedle."
You laughed, before blowing out the fire.
"Goodnight thief."
Your eyes opened as you heard frantic chirping from in front of you.
"Huh?" you asked.
You saw the small pink bird in front of you looking panicked.
"What is it?"
You sat up, before noticing that the case and the young boy were gone.
"No..he wouldn't!" you said, standing up.
"Oi! Stranger?" you called out, before the small bird chirped for your attention.
You used your Anivoice quirk to understand.
"Quick! Hewentthisway!" the bird chirped in a high pitched voice.
You grabbed your bag and ran after the bird.
You heard the sound of a helicopter and you saw the man on a hill waving his arms up.
You ran faster to him, ignoring the sharp pain in your shoulder that told you to stop.
You watched a man get off the helicopter, and watched the young boy toss the case to him.
"No! Stop!"
You ran faster, before taking to the skies using an explosion.
You saw the man's arms turn larger and he cornered your partner.
You quickly turned yourself into a human missile using your explosions, and aimed towards the villain.
"Howitzer Impact!" you yelled as you made contact with him.
He was blown away, landing on the helicopter and taking it down with him.
You saw a shine go gliding through the air towards the boy and you raced after him.
"Wh- I'm so sorry!" he yelled as you ran in front of him and jumped, making yourself as big as possible.
You flinched as an arrow made contact with your chest, penetrating through your back.
You fell to the ground with a thump, before struggling to stand up.
"No..why would you do that?" he asked in a worried tone.
You ignored his question.
"I need you to hold onto me tightly and don't let go" you said, picking him up bridal style.
You quickly shifted your foot to make a wall to block your attacker from loosening another arrow.
You coughed, blood coming out and staining your lips.
You felt your blood start to get onto the hoodie he gave you.
"No..you're injured you can't-"
"Shut up and watch me" you stopped him from talking and fled from the scene.
Bakugo's POV
I felt my muscles in my left arm twitch and I looked down.
That felt like I just used Howitzer..
My eyes went wide as I realized.
Damnit! Be careful out there (Y/N)!
Don't go and get yourself killed!

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