chapter 14

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Manik's POV

I got up groaningly when Dhruv waking up the other made them shout  aloud to let them sleep, but opening my eyes made me shutting down instantly seeing the bright sunlight. Everyone is sleeping messily sleeping on one other hugging, laying legs and all.Seeing the watch made me tensed immediately as time is past 11 in morning remembering grandpa in home. I wanted to go home he might be worried or even searched for me. My head is pounding due to hangover. Maybe we are highschoolers and drinks might be seem wrong but I surpassed it back then being addicted...I shut the thoughts as they where just increasing my headache. I got up with my hand on head rubbing temple.

"Are you want to go home?" he asked when I am about to leave. He insisted on dropping me as I am not in good state I accepted gladly. Then he asked anyone wanted to go but they groaned and asked to close the curtains. I came down, Dhruv asked Karim uncle to prepare coffee. With coffee he handed me a pill . I have them and left the place with Dhruv.

The drive was little bit calming my head and yeah the headache reduced it is still there. The wind is soothing me. I said ,"Thanks" for  insisting on dropping me up.

But he shrugged and said" I should be the one Thankful to you which made me little think".

I asked ," Is it about bullying ?".

"It's not like what you think ", took me off-guard. "What does that mean!? "I thought.

Seeing me in thoughts he asked confidently , " Is it due to drinks you are not asking your thoughts out but thinking or self restraining , As I know you are not a self thinker but a spokesman ,So spit them".

His words felt like him knowing me from years in and out. It was absolutely true , I let out every word out without doublethinking  and face the consequences.

I asked back then" what your words mean?".

"To see it looks like bullying but he was  taking anger on her which is unfare " he said lowly.

His words are really confusing which I can't understand." Means"I asked frustrated.

"It is not my place to say" backing off from the conversation.Now again he was not answering hiding something.

"This is the thing I hate the most from you guys , Always hiding something from me". I groaned saying made him stop the bike.

Looking around , I understand I'm infront of my house but that doesn't stop me from knowing. I step down and asked him to come in to say everything. But he didn't step down and be in his spot. If you are not coming and leaving me in the black. Then don't expect me to talk to you again. With that I turned back and went.

"Is this my reward to wake you up and drop you at your doorstep," he asked made me chuckle but went in with out turning back.

When I get in grandpa came in, I introduced Dhruv then he asked where I had been last night and said how much he was and went to aunty's home made me cut his words talking further  saying that "Now I am here so there is no need to worry and next time I 'll say beforehand".

For that he nodded and lead Dhruv to my room. But then I found the guest room door was little ajar and found someone's presence. I said to Dhruv that give me a little bit , I will be back. I left the room to before and found the suspected person there.

Why was she always here was my first thought but then only because of her, grandpa is not tensed. So I expected her to say something. Fish curry brought up my hunger. But her face showing disgust with my drinking behavior made me lower my head.

she left leaving me baffled. Then I went to my room where he seeing the photo frame below my pillow. I don't want to hide it or wanted to reveal my scar to the world to let them pity me which I hate the most.I went in there and resumed our topic. He hesitated a bit but came to say after , I asked him to leave if he don't want to.

He said , "you will definitely know now or later from me or someother but it was too sensitive topic for Kabir, So never bring this up infront him until he wanted to".

"We all are friends in before year" he started made me ask Harshad and Nandu are your friends .

He nodded as 'No' and said us and 'Harshad'. To which I nodded.

This was the age we crushes, dreams and confesses. Even the care we feel towards the other gender creates hype by friends and make you see future with them. Priya was also nerd speaks less but was caring. He loves her alot and even when his parents confronted he said he never wanna leave her hand. But he found out later that she cheated with Harshad. When he confronted her she says that she never loved him made her heartbreak. Harshad and Kabir got into fight made the scene worse, she got suspended from the school.

From that day they got divided. As we know very well about Kabir he is true person so we stand beside him. At first he even don't want us to be with us. He spent his days in agony. Even his parents avoided him much after by saying it all nuisance as he was the chairperson of this school make it much worse. We tried to help him cope with pain. After months he let it go for us to believe but still is hurt deep inside.

I nodded that I understood when he saw my eyes expectantly." Why only Nandini is targeted by Kabir out of all " I asked out of curiosity.

Downing his head,he says"Before priya he stops, even when Rishi and Krish tried to bully others. They usually do those things just prove they are cool to the students.This year when Nandini joined this school he started bullying. when I confronted him. He said she looks exactly like her when she adjusts her spects and holding her hair everything. However he tries to forget it is getting difficult in her presence. I think he can't forget her afterall she was his first love".

I don't know what to say to those words she was getting hurting by others mistakes, I felt. I never expected this kind of story about Kabir. He never seem like hurt  but went through a lot.

Now I understand why his parents never seen in his house. I don't know what to say so I just been silent.he too didn't talk any further. It was a lot to consume there was defeaning silence between us.

Grandpa called us from below for lunch. I asked him to stay for lunch he accepted. I freshened up  before going down for lunch. There was red curry ,rice, chapati, veggie but didn't found fish curry. I asked where is fish curry then recieved stares from both of them, Dhruv little confused and grandpa said," I think I forgot it on the kitchen island" with little murmuring. But Dhruv got up and " I will get it for you  grandpa, you sit still".

I just sat still. He placed it before the aroma itself is amazing. Then I served instead of grandpa. The curry was amazing I found them enjoying as well. We ate tummy full even though Dhruv protested like a kid , I made him eat.we slept peacefully for sometime. I groaned when Dhruv's mobile buzz. He said he was leaving and asked if I wanna come ,there is nothing I can do the other time so I got up and went with him before intimating to grandpa. Listening to Kabir He don't have anyone with him even if they are alive. I had grandpa who cares me like his next breath, First time I felt grateful after that incident.

We left to Dhruv's house and greeted aunt but she insisted on calling me Mom which literally felt the warmth with motherly love. Even she feed me with Dhruv. Then we left to Kabir's. When we reached Mansion there was noone except Kabir.They all got up  and left.

I don't know why might be due to his story but felt miserable seeing him lonely in this large house. He was again drinking while Karim uncle saying this is the last peg you are going to have.he drank in a gulp and pouted for another. But Karim uncle didn't gave him, seeing us he asked for us made him give another peg.

He shoved me but when I said no he gulped it down again.he was smiling fully and is slurry saying it all that he was fully drunk.

We sat beside him.  He slurred saying that there is no one for me, everyone left me.With that he slept on counter itself." Dhruv I think he drank all the case  or else why is he this heavy!" made Kabir say" I drank just a peg, another another in his sleep itself made us both chuckle.we took him to bedroom and made him sleep on the bed.

We went home dropping me first then to his. I slept feeling tired with happiness.

Hey lovelies,What do you think about Kabir? Is his angry seem fare which I don't think!?. But lemme know your thoughts and opinions through comments.

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