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Manik's POV

Within two days, Grandpa made everything settled. With his power, he put extreme pressure on this. But the thing is, everything was evident and many of our associates knew about the traitor made the situation very tense as no one was opening their mouths but was supporting them. Grandpa made everything evident and exposed many of our board members, who were involved and made a new panel of board members as many are quite interested in working with us. Our intuitions are the best in India and value people's abilities and skills. We were fortunate that many of the board members were pass-outs of our institutions and made their name in the society. Just a call to them and, everyone supported us and was excited to work with us, Evenafter, them knowing that we were about to bankrupt. Made the situation back to the normal.

Tears rolled seeing the Dad and Mom picture on the wall of the mansion. When Grandpa thanked the new ones, they said that they were grateful for this. That they got their chance to repay their debt. While no one trusted them, even their parents, this institution provided them with scholarships showed them a path to achieve their dreams and put them in this situation.

Hearing those words made me realize those things about Dad who take initiative to regularize scholarship students at the very end of the workshop. The higher officials from their respective fields select their interns seeing their talent but not the money they can offer. When he was alive, I didn't feel any proud feelings but now I hold huge respect for him. He is my role model. He used to be there at every end of the batch to motivate them to share his own life stories. Even my Dad was not good at studies unlike me. I came after my mom about my studies. He was passionate about developing this Intuition and his interest got him fame and everything, even Mom. So I asked Grandpa to continue his legacy and motivate our young pass-outs

That's when Grandpa said about going back to Goa. It remembers her, she was calling me every day and I was ignoring her. From that day of her call, I missed her dearly and wanted to go and melt in her embrace. I know if I hear her again, I'll go for her.

So I tried to ignore her and that was the most difficult thing I was doing. With that, I agreed with him as we chose our trusted person as chairman to give Grandpa a little bit of peace from the whole scenario and to have some rest.

That was the day, I slept peacefully and Mom palmed my head and asked that I didn't keep my promise. I ignored her being sleepy and murmured in sleep," You made me promise everything, I don't remember exactly what you're asking about". To which she chuckled and said," I asked you to sing my song to prepare your favourite Kheer, but you promised me that you'll sing after having it. Till now, you didn't. You licked even the last drop of Kheer but where is my wish? Remembering it I laughed into my pillow. That's when Dad entered and asked" What are you two doing?" I raised my head and heard his voice, there was a huge respect for him unlike before. Where I used to ignore his presence. That's when I called him " Dad", made me remember they're long gone and their smiley faces faded away making me wide awake.

I got up feeling their presence alive, while my mind was repeating, that they weren't with me. From that moment there was something that my brain was repeating my parent's wish. Then we went to the airport and then to Goa. My eyes searched for those hazel-brown eyes whose eyes reciprocated the same words that I heard. But Grandpa was in a hurry so I asked him to motivate the pass-outs. He came here for our branch as today is the last day of the workshop there. I followed him, but seeing the people and energy there with the entry song itself shook my inner singer to participate with him. But one particular pair of eyes is pulling toward it Everyone is painted with makeup but I felt pulled towards a single pair of eyes.

Even though slots were full for the participants, hearing me want to join, Grandpa encouraged me and arranged my event. Even though I wanted to but my mind was sceptical as it had been a long, since I touched my guitar. But Music is an entity, it will always push you embrace you and make you feel alive. That's how It happened and at first, I started thinking of their smiling faces as Mom loves this song so much, but suddenly I saw through the crowd staring at me wide-eyed with those hazel brown eyes just as I expected with longing in her eyes made me reciprocate it singing the song imagining her presence.  I don't know when I stopped thinking about her, but her presence was long gone and my song ended and everywhere there was pin-drop silence.

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