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Nandu's POV

I went off leaving all the chaos to have some peace to hide myself to let down my tears. But everywhere I go, I see people being loud, happy and enthusiastic, which is the complete opposite of me. I don't feel anything except the people who I treat good mistreating me. I don't want to trust any, but again I'm repeating the same mistake of following my heart, not my brain. I moved and moved reaching the abandoned shore just like my life, seeing the ocean tears trickled down. I cried out loud. I don't know why, this has happened every time since my childhood but I'm crying like this was the first time and this was the first person.

That's when someone touched my shoulder and the hard yet warm touch itself calmed me and felt more familiar. With that, I got up turning to see the person made more tears rolled down. And hugged him letting my fears out and there was something that his warmth felt like my home until a doubt rose. If he felt the same just like me, why didn't he answer my calls avoiding me? With that, I back off controlling my emotions. I likely confronted his behaviour of avoiding me lowering my head. I don't know whatever, he says seeing his eyes, I don't find the will to question him as I'll always blindly trust him gazing into his eyes.

When he said that he wanted to meet me in person and then over the phone made me feel like someone cared about me. I felt my heart was doing summersaults as being a frenzy with his words. Somewhere I felt him more like a home than just a friend, who I always came to. But while me being a dancer and even after seeing my dance, he dared to praise Aliyah in front of me, Which irks my jealousy. How can he talk to me about another girl?

But his light kisses ensure that he cares more about me than anyone. His actions were always making him think the other way as he pulled me into him holding me safe in his arms. Whenever I'm with him, time stops and his eyes capture me drowning in his beauty. I get all the wrong thoughts as my mind is getting dirty with him being near, his hot breath fanning over my face and making me stare at him as his
eyes staring into my soul searching more into it.

I didn't back off as I felt I was in a trance, in which I wanted to be in forever. I never felt this attracted to him but after his absence, he became the most important part of my life. Every street in my area, where I lived my whole life imprinted with his memories more than mine. I wanted to ask him, not to leave me again, but I can't. I can't depend on anyone for their care and Love. And asking them for it will show my vulnerability, and how much of an alone person I am.

Everything stopped my thoughts and my eyes averted as I realised that I was in his arms close to him. It was not friendlier anymore, It was some other way around. I jerked off suddenly when I heard Rihaan calling me. He was staring at us. Without me seeing his eyes, I felt his intense gaze on me. He waited for me to come. But I don't want to go there.

"Manik, I don't want to go there." I blurted out lowering my head. To which he waited for me to continue. He asked," Why?". Then he said, " I don't know why you don't want to, but...even Grandpa wanted you to, about your Dad. Think about them for once. " What about Me Manik?", I questioned him staring into his eyes. He got startled a little but didn't say anything for a minute.

"You don't want to do this?", he questioned. He was only the one who asked what I wanted to do. "I love my Dance, but never thought of it as my profession. I love DANCE and was passionate about it, but not want to make it my profession. Moving to Mumbai and leaving Mom alone. Leaving my studies, and my dreams to become a Doctor. I don't want to do any of this. I know no one will understand what I'm saying. Even I don't understand myself. But the thing is I'm not ready for anything yet. I don't know whether I....." I rambled my thoughts when he stopped me further holding my arms.

"It's Okay.." he said.

I questioned, "It's Okay?".

" Hmm.. It's Okay. He again reassured me, That's when Rihaan said, "I'm leaving.... but Nandu, Think wise. He can have opportunities whenever he wants, but for you, it was a golden chance. If you lose now, it won't be easy to have whenever you want ".With that, he left.

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