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Manik's POV

In the morning I got up when Grandpa asked me to get ready and come to the main building. I got up and got ready in a hurry. Even in a hurry, I was thinking about Nandu checking on my mobile. But there was no call which destroys my mood. On the way, I convinced myself that nothing will be a big deal. But everything went down the drain seeing that familiar surroundings made me feel nostalgic. Then I got down trying to be confident. I went in but that's when Everyone stared at me astonished which boosts my confidence.

But nearing my Dad's cabin, my hand started to tremble, but I try to be confident without letting off my coolness. But I can't restrain, then Grandpa is sitting a little upset going through the files and glancing at the staff.

I understood he was upset but to me more than him, I'm seeing Dad's smiling face. Grandpa noticed my presence and asked me to sit. Even though I heard Grandpa's words but only the smiling face of Dad is seen. My breathing got little shaky and my fingers are trembling. Seeing my disturbed mood Grandpa ordered coffee.

Even I wanna sip to let my fussy thoughts slip away. But when my coffee arrived, I tried to hold it. With my trembling hands, the coffee spilt made me keep it down trying hard. He ordered the other men present in the room to leave.

My hands and forehead are covered with sweat. Grandpa briefly stared at me and asked me to leave, If I wanted to leave. But I said, "I'm okay, I just wanted to wash this off" showing my coffee stains. With that, I left for the washroom.

Splashing the cold water made my messed-up brain calm. staring at the reflection, I felt the lost gone memories were getting back. That's when a notification popped up. I opened my mobile and last night I kept our pic as a screensaver. Seeing that pic calmed me. That's when I heard some girl moaning and men's voices also came at the same time. With uneven breath, she was saying that we will get caught. With that, I felt during office hours. What the hell is happening in the office?" You know, Today they both came suddenly without notice. I doubt they will have doubts about the accident. Or else Why would they both come? And also you said that he'll become a drug addict and that old man will die with sorrow. But they were fit and healthy. That's when the man opened his mouth saying," Don't worry, Everything is well planned no one can find It was murder and this association will be mine within no time. My fussy brain is further in a mess.

Their moans were further making my mind messy. And panic attack attacks made my vision blurry and walls closed upon me turning my breathing heavy I tried to turn the tap which is so difficult yet succeeded with so much hardship the water came and turned hard to fill the basin and placed my face in it. That's when their words started to play again and again and realised the meaning of their words.

That's the limit that made me gasp for air and understood that my parents are murdered. It wasn't an accident.

I rushed to Grandpa's office and found him going through files. Seeing me he came abruptly to me and asked," What happened!? Am I feel suffocated. Do I want to go to the apartment ". Seeing him in worry I nodded 'No'. The doctor said that he is under a lot of pressure. So I don't know whom to share this with.

It was already lunchtime, Grandpa asked me to have some food with him. We both ate in silence but for me, food tastes nothing as my brain is fully occupied. I glanced at grandpa briefly at times thinking about Mom and Dad. They did not die but were murdered. I should have caught them redhanded but the attack troubled me. I don't know who the person is or anything about them. He ate and asked me to eat as he was in a hurry due to a meeting after the break. I know everything is in mess and there is a lot of work to be completed and all.

I don't know totally about the work but many of our board members are opposing Grandpa's decisions making reorganising the tasks.

With this mess, How can I reveal this to him and there is no proof or don't know anything about that person? That's when I went through the mobile to talk to someone and only a single name came to my thought. It was NANDU Why didn't she call me?

I called aunt and asked whether she was at work or home. She answered that she is at home then why didn't Nandu calls me? Seeing my note, she should have called me but she didn't.

Frustration made me upset and asked," Why didn't you call me!? ". She didn't reply but was silently listening to my words. It flared up my anger, I talked rubbish that she was not at all even wanted to talk to me. Even after me calling, she wasn't talking and cut off the call. My messed up brain is not happy with anything without listening to her voice, it wasn't calming down. I was craving for her voice. Maybe that's why even after her shutting off my calls, I attended her call.

Seeing her face, some calmness surrounded me. I don't know what will she think, Whether I have to share this news with her or not. Because she is just a high schooler, more to it she is younger than me.

But that doesn't make it any less. Whether she understood or panic about my situation if she knew. She asked," Is Everything Okay? I wanna shout at her, Do I look OKAY". Subsiding my anger I nodded 'Okay'.

Of course, she didn't trust my words but nodded in understanding. She again asked," Is there anything bothering you!? Do you wanna come here?".

I just restrained myself nodding 'YES'. But she continued saying," I don't know when you guys left, But I called Grandpa and asked about your absence. He answered me and left in a hurry. I don't know but I Miss both of you already. And also I understand that you too miss me. I'm so happy that our feelings are mutual. But one thing I'm not happy about is you wanted to say something but now you don't want to. Am I, not your bestie? Listen, sharing lessen your burden. So Share with your trusted ones, even if It was not me".

I nodded and said," I miss you too".

" And, ... " she prolonged. 

"And", I questioned.

"Now continue what you want to say..", she asked.

" Now that you said I can share with someone I trust," I asked.

" What do you mean by that!?", she asked.

"It's what I said is what I mean", I replied.

To which she narrowed her eyes and said," Okay, Bye".

Then again she suggested, "Seeing Mom, I understood one thing when we're facing a problem it felt like a burden. But if it was some others, we can find a solution right in front of our eyes. So Always Think out of the box.Feel free to share your problem with your loved ones, not me as you say, but Grandpa. He was solely living for you and he is stronger than you think...... ".

She smiled and said" with your way itself I can say something is wrong. It's up to you whether you want to share with me or not. But If you got another attack you have to say it to Grandpa or else this will repeat and your health will be affected."

I sadly smiled and nodded 'Okay'. She is more mature than she looks in everyone's matter except in her own. She smiled and which made me smile too.
After that, I asked," Why didn't she call me, even after I placed a note yesterday".

To which she questioned, "What note?!".

I understood that she might have forgotten. So I tried to make her remember that I place a small note beside the window between her books. When she didn't remember anything related to it. I understood that she didn't say it or else why would she forget about that.

"I  kept a note with my number on it", I said.

" You and a note. Really!, you just have messaged , or else say it to Mom",She just smiled while smiling and I know she was holding her laugh. With that, she was about to cut the call. I said,"Listen Nandu,Just call me whenever you're free and then cut off the call without letting her know me being desperate and focussed on what to do. I have to share it with Grandpa one way or another way. Or else there will be no justice for my parent's death.

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