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This chapter is dedicated to sayekazeenat

Manik's POV

Next day I woken up with my mobile as it was continuously ringing. I got up that whoever calling will be dead in my hands.I answered the call without seeing from whom it was.

"Manik beta....." The voice itself says it was aunt. " Ha.. aunty", I asked.
"Beta if you have time please get breakfast for Nandu. She can't able to cook. It will great help for me if you do this".
"Okay , but she knows cooking right aunty....", I doubted. "she prepares better than my maid", I thought.

"She knew but she is pain , while me leaving I gave her medicine to sleep . ".aunt said.

"What pain !?, Is it severe!?Did she got hurt anywhere" I asked worried.

"It's normal every girl faces this , you don't have to know about this. Please give her breakfast .It will be huge help if you do this" she pleaded.

"Aunt, you don't have to ask this much, I will arrange everything , you don't worry".I convinced.

I went down after seeing through my window, her blinds are still closed. I went down seeing maid I ordered her to prepare kichidi tastily. She nodded but don't know whether she truly follows or not.I went out to get fresh fruits as my mom used to prepare salads which is healthy. While returning home ice cream parlor was about to open so I got her favourite ice cream tub.

Entering home maid said that breakfast is prepared. I myself set some breakfast in hot box. Grandpa entered kitchen you got up early today. For whom was he asked casually. I said It was for Nandu. "Why?", he asked warily.

"Aunt asked me to give her breakfast", I answered. "Okay, I'll will come too" he said . We both went and he pressed the  calling bell.  That's  when  she opened  door. She was literally  a  mess. Yes , anyone can say she is ill.But her face was clear with no glasses covering .And the floor was mess with  pillows  everywhere. Seeing that grandpa  asked , "  she placed them on sofa."

Even now she was not saying that she is  in pain.It makes me little  angry. If she was pain why she have to hide it from us we are not some strangers.grandpa always thinks  her like family. So I  said what I  want to say and left the place in hurry with which grandpa  followed. 

I left to school  without  having any food eventhough  grandpa  is waiting for  me  to calm down. I went straight to school on my bike made me miss meeting my friends.  I  went straight  to  roof top where Noone was there like I  expected. I spent time thinking  about  many things in everything she was the one crossing  over my thoughts  frequently .I  relieved myself ,went straight  to  class. Classes started commencing.It was not that interesting  though, I'm  feeling  sleepy  already. That's  when  Rihaan  entered with mam staring directly at me with smirk." What the hell is he doing here?" I don't understand.

Then Mam introduced  him to class that he was transfer student. Seeing  him only thing I felt, is hatred. Mam made seat arrangement for him as all seats are full and his eyes never left me with smirk which I want to wipe off from his face. I  ignored  him  completely  and  tried to involve in classes but classes were boring like usual and without her beside me  it was at another level.

As the break bell rang I got up to get to canteen . I  went with my friends and  when kabir and other's  came out of the room, he smiled at me made me smile too. But that's  when  someone  tap on my shoulders.  I  turn back to see who it was. It was none other than Rihaan.  "What's  his problem  !?", " Why do he even  wanted to talk to me?"I  just stared at him angrily.

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