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Nandu's POV

I don't know what to say!? ,I'm confused with my own fuss here he is completely at rage with me. He messed everything and shows anger what should I do. My head started to ache. Eventhough my head is aching. My curiosity hits its peak that what's inside the basket.

I opened the box and found a small hot box and fruits. Who will eat fruits, so I tried to open anything and below fruits there was chocolates and my favourite butterscotch ice cream tub. Even after him being anger he bought what I like. I opened the tub started licking it happily.

I don't know until how much time I ate it.I felt bloated and left it over there. That's when the doorbell came but before it Mom entered. I don't do anything except lying on sofa. Mom questioned," How am I and ate anything?" To which I replied nothing. She came before me and saw the ice cream and the anger flared on her.

"How many times should I have to say,not to eat junk on these days!?". I'm supersilent as I heard nothing. She opened the hot box and pushed to me to have it. I just got up and left to my room. She came tapping on the door harshly. Whatever you do is okay, after having food. I didn't respond but my time seriously I wanna go to washroom .Mine is always the wrong time for nature calls. I opened and went straight to washroom ignoring her.

It's how it goes me ignoring but she asking. After sometime she lost it and demanded me to eat some. I too reluctantly take it and had some food but it doesn't tastes any good. So I gave up. She fed me forceful and left to her room to get some sleep. I don't felt any good so I started watching TV until which time I don't know .

Likewise I took rest and mom feeding me happened. I lost interest in TV and studying made me sleep no pains anymore but little discomfort. And next day I entered class but the first person my eyes landed was on Rihaan as he was surrounded by group of students. " How come he is here!?", I thought to myself. That's when Navya came to me and said he newly joined our school.

"How come they join students at the middle of the year!?" I asked. She expressed like she doesn't know. While me seeing his every move but he doesn't look at me for once. I'm little relieved at that but again confusing too.

I went to my spot and settled down doesn't caring anything anymore. Class was about to start but there was no hint of Manik anywhere. Even Mam too came but he was .....hmm that's when he came. He came settled beside me but didn't said anything. I glanced at him whether he is looking or not. But he was listening to class seriously. Hmm...I wrote Thanks in my notes pushing it to him.

He didn't see it or push it away. So I waited but he was copying notes from board ignoring me. I took the notes and started doing the same. Eventhough I should be angry at him but him buying me ice cream melt my heart to which I felt sorry for.

But he is showing attitude and no more I will try. And then next period they said it was slip test. Seriously I don't know about it what to do. I got paled. Question papers were passed but I don't know anything. Everyone is writing something except me seeing everyone's face. This was the most embarrassing moment. I don't know how he wrote but he wrote fast and gave papers.

I'm at a moment to cry that's when Manik gave me a short slip and left. I opened it and was shocked. It have all answers and even Mam was not coming to us. Seriously I got tempted to copy but I gained my conscience and throw it away. I only knew few short answers so I wrote them.

I got up to give, seeing my paper Mam stared at me up and down. It's Okay that you're absent yesterday. But don't do it another time.And about study hours, it's your choice to tutor him or else if you don't want you can study .I just nodded my head.

Navya reached me for lunch we both went there,but seeing me Aliya came near me and asked "why didn't I came yesterday?". She said that Manik is not much talking with her and also reminding me the other day which I totally forgot. Ignoring Navya she led me to her friends to which I can't say No eventhough I wanted to.

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