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Manik's POV

Later that day I got busy with many things. We all completely focused on the Annual day preparing for  Dance and skits, while Nandu was concentrating on exams and not at all realizing what was going on. While in class, teachers are making it difficult and after class, our friends are all united and discussing many things. After school, we went to Kabir's house scheduled our programs, and started dance practices.

His mansion has a gym space and Dance practice room, which was so well built for Kabir's Aunt. I felt happy, because of her, It was easy for us. The Dance floor was so good with glass walls to have a garden view from inside itself as It wasn't seen through from outside. Then Krish asked," How come we never came across her? Kabir said He hadn't seen her till now, even her photo. We hummed and left the topic as it was a forbidden topic for them. We spent most of the time there trying over songs and in the evening we had beer with chill weather. Everything seemed settled, even Grandpa was having friends over to spend his time without work stress made me relieved.

But with Nandu, nothing seemed settled, whenever we started a conversation, something was stopping us from talking further. And at home, It's my thing that we guys are enjoying while Nandu is preparing for exams. She was seated in front of me, unlike the pattern of our names. She helped me all through the exams. And I'm sure I'll be passed, even without studying. I felt wrong that I was copying from her but shrugging off that thought  I wrote in exams copying from her.

Like every other day, I completed my exam and went to Kabir's home, we didn't finalize a single skit, and even though we chose songs we didn't choreograph anything. we all got frustrated but decided to do it Tomorrow, I left home.

Unlike every day Grandpa was sitting on the sofa depressed and his voice seemed disturbed while calling me for dinner seeing me. I said," I ate at Kabir's house". Yes, Aunt fed me parathas with her own hands leaving sulking Kabir. To which Grandpa nodded and stared at the mobile in his hand. I went near him and found him staring at the picture of Mom and Dad smiling happily. I too felt sad seeing him like that. I sat beside him side hugging him. He suddenly let his tears out saying, "It's been a year of them leaving us". With that, he broke letting his emotions out. This was the first time he completely let his pain out stop facading his strong demeanour.

It hurt me a lot seeing him in pain, but made me feel sad too. After some time, He calmed himself down. Then he said,  Tomorrow is the day they lost their lives. We're doing pooja for them being it as death Anniversary. I don't know what to do anymore as somewhere I'm feeling exhausted and hurt grimacing at that sad incident, which I almost forgot till now.

I tried to focus on him not on the incident, asking him about his food and medicines. I know he didn't have any food, seeing him anyone can say he was hurt. With that, I forced him to eat a few morsels of rice, even though he didn't want to. Then I gave tablets to get good sleep. But he asked me to sleep beside him, placing his hand on my chest. With that, he slept, while my thoughts were all over. While him sleeping, I closed my eyes to get some sleep, but it made my situation worse drifting thoughts over that incident. I tried and tried to get sleep but those disturbing thoughts are making it difficult.

As I couldn't get some sleep, I thought of getting up from the bed. But Grandpa's hold was so strong that, I couldn't get up. Then he murmured in sleep not to leave him made me think about his suffering throughout the incident. But he stood strong for me, even though he was wounded with heart. And I too blamed him and made him suffer more with my behaviour being a drug addict and all. Thinking about all of these, I don't know when I slept.

I was happily going in the car with Mom and Dad, but Dad was not happy about making him drive this long, that too at night time. But Mom was sliding off his mood saying," It's okay, It's just a one-and-a-half-hour drive. Your Dad might be missing us. Can't we be with him, even on his birthday". To which I too chided in saying," Yes Dad, he was all alone there, He will be so happy seeing us ". Those were my words that Mom exactly replicated to which I winked at her. To which Mom narrowed her eyes, I again winked at her. To which she shrugged off that I won't change. I smiled to myself. Mom before said Not to do that, but to annoy her I do wink. She got tired of saying Not to do that. I stopped then she again glared at me holding my ear.

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