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Manik's POV

She didn't say anything but then made me get up just with her eyes. I've done like she asked. We both went downstairs, but she pulled me to the sofa and made me sit on it switching on the TV and tuning into some action movie. At first, I didn't have any interest in watching it but staring at it for a long made me involved in it. She moved, so I glanced at her questioning to which she said," She'll be back".I focus back on the movie as the twist is about to be revealed made me engrossed in the movie.

While watching intensely, she gave me a plate and asked me to complete it. As I was so immersed in it and to stop her from disturbing me, I started eating. As she had the Remote. She ordered me to eat, so as not to switch off the movie. I was again engrossed in the movie while eating it slowly.

She left me and then she dragged Grandpa to the table. And made him sit on the dining table, serving food. I didn't acknowledge them at first, as I was immersed in the movie. But when she started annoying him is what I felt. But when I glanced at them, he started eating food, even feeding Nandu made my lips curve into a smile. It looks heartwarming, she is perfect for me. Whatever the future holds for me, she will be the one whom I want to be with. Today Grandpa installed a photo frame of Mom and Dad with garland after all I accepted their death. I felt that she was the one Mom sent for me, which was just beside her.

Then Aunt came and seeing us eating, she smiled. But Then she waited for some time joining me with the movie. As we both completed our food, Aunt told Nandu to come home. To which Nandu answered that she'd come after some time. But Aunt didn't listen and stared at her sternly. While Nandu said Bye to Grandpa and glanced at me. Suddenly I felt that I was pulled back from Dreamland to Reality. But I nodded my head.

She went to her home while I sat sadly. Later Grandpa headed outside to get some fresh air. When I joined him, I wanted to follow Nandu, which I couldn't. With Grandpa, he met his friends at the park. And that made his saddened face brighten up with a smile. So I stared at him for some time and came back home. After some time The sky turned dark, while I was struggling to sit silently in my home. So I opened up my mobile which was untouched today. It was loaded with messages from my friends as they were worrying about my absence On the night itself, I revealed about Mom and Dad's Death anniversary and stopped messaging anyone as I turned it into silent mode. I messaged them, that I was fine and all good.

Then I messaged Nandu and I doubt whether she will see my messages. But unlike I thought, she replied to my message.

"What's up, Nandu?", ; Manik.
"Nothing. But, Why're you even messaging now", Nandu.

"Just wanted to talk", Manik.
" You can talk tomorrow, Now I have to study", Nandu.

" Are you serious? you're studying now, Without getting ready for bed", Manik questioned.
" I have to, I even didn't revise half of the syllabus", Nandu.

"I didn't even start", Manik.
" But I have to", Nandu.

"Answer my call", Manik.

While messaging itself I called getting irritated with these long messages. But she didn't pick up.

"Okay, Bye", I messaged and kept the mobile beside me and checked for my book but didn't find it between my books. After a little search, I got it. Finding it is a huge task and studying is another thing. I widened my eyes to see as I knew My eyes would droop while I started reading. Everything seems new, and I don't feel familiar. Being bored with my book, I opened my mobile and there were her messages Hi...,
Are you there.....

1."Manik, It's not only about me but for yours too", Nandu.

2."If we both don't study, How come we will get good grades", Nandu.

3. "Are you angry now?" Nandu.

4." Mom was angry, even you too", Nandu.

5. " Even I'm angry", Nandu.

6. If you don't message me now, I won't talk to you", Nandu.

7. " Are you there?", Nandu.

8." Sorry"....Nandu.........

Just within minutes, She was messaging only. And suddenly my mobile rang made me smile at her cuteness. I attended the call and was silent until she started," Are you angry?".

I hummed in response. She said " Sorry", which made me smile opening my window while she was already there staring at me and her face seemed a little depressed making it further humorous.

I know, I'm not bad but the thing is why so much overthinking for everything, too with that small brain?

" It's Okay", I accepted her apology but didn't know for what. Even after she didn't do anything wrong. I smiled to myself.

She narrowed her eyes but I knew she couldn't see clearly. But she questioned," Why're you laughing at me?".

"Am I ?", I questioned.

" Yes, You are", she replied sternly.

"No, Now Go and Study or else you won't get good grades", I mocked to which she said," See, you are angry".

"No, I'm not", I said

" Yes, You're", Nandu said.

"Okay, I'm angry", I said.

To which she pouted.

" It's okay, Go study. I'm truly not angry", I said truthfully, If she continues like this, I'll get angry. Suddenly she smiled at me and made me smile too. With that, I cut the call smiling to myself.

I hugged to my pillow smiling at myself. Seriously she is the best anyone could ask for. With that, I took my mobile opened my gallery and picked a cute pic of my Nandu making it my wallpaper. She looked so beautiful in it without thinking of any other and slept peacefully without thinking about any exams are any sort.

The next day started early, as in a dream while she was hugging me, someone separated her from me. I woke up with that. Realising it was all a dream, I smiled to myself.

I went for a jog in the morning made me refreshed by the foggy climate. Later came home freshened up and got ready for school. Even Grandpa seemed good today, unlike yesterday.

With that maid prepared breakfast and we both had it happily. I left for school and was greeted by my friends. There they were in the canteen discussing something serious. But seeing me they stopped talking about that. They all started talking about the annual day.

We shared a few thoughts, but the day turned out fast. Then Nandu joined class sitting beside me. In exams, she helped me like always. And after the exam, the principal came to our class and announced that we didn't have any progress in the annual day function. For that, he made Nandu a choreographer for our songs. I know this will be difficult to handle with the Kabir.

But He didn't give any other option, as Nandu said she wasn't interested in annual day celebrations. He silenced her How come she can say that as this is the pride of our school?
To which she too agreed. He allowed the hall beside the ground for practice as there were only two and a half weeks.

So, He asked to start practising from today onwards making Nandu gasp. She said he would worry about her to which he called Aunt to explain things. To which Aunt permitted her.

With that, I asked her to which she nodded. Later after school, we all went to practicing hall. But everyone got stunned seeing me and Nandu together.

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