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Nandu's Pov

Even though he laughed hard at my stupidness made me feel warmth listening to his laugh. With that, my anger was gone replaced with a smile. I said about my boring day and said that everyone was going on a holiday trip, while I was stuck between home, Mom and house chores. A small laugh was heard from the other side.

Later I was talking about things and When I asked what Grandpa is doing, he was no more there talking but was in line. That's when I realised he might be sleeping as it was past eleven.

I cut the call saying, "Good Night" even after knowing that he won't hear. I went to Mom to hand her mobile and she is also sleeping.  So I went to my room and plopped on my bed but sleep is the farthing now. Trying after many things, sleep didn't come, and that's when I rolled on the bed not knowing how to sleep. Something touching my back made me pull the duvet revealing book that's when I  remember that I hide the book from Mom.

I opened the book and switch on the light. And started reading the book in which my breath got hitched when he suddenly turned her to face him then sliding his hand onto her inching near her to her face I closed the book with a thud, realising that I am interfering with someone's space. Then seeing the book in hand and realised that it was just a book and they were just characters in the book.

I reopened the book and started reading it. I felt more intrigued with this and reading an intense moment of their kissing made me blush hard. I stopped reading the book because there was some different feeling that was created with that in my body as he started inappropriately touching her is what I learnt was bad touching.  Usually whenever Mom changes the channel when there was kissing and also said kissing on lips is so wrong it got printed on her mind.

But here in the story, the hero chooses to kiss to express his love towards her. I  don't know whether this is right or not. Thinking about that kiss, I drifted to sleep.

Then someone is pulling me into a warm embrace and I melted into him. That's when he asked," Do you like this?".

I nodded slowly blushing on his chest holding him tight. " Do you want to be with me?". I nodded in his embrace. Even his heart is beating faster with me hugging him. Hearing that he kissed me on the forehead and then on my glabella, the space between two eyebrows. Then on my Nose, when he came closer to my lips and his hot breath touched my face made me feel heat rush to my cheeks, warmth spread within me butterflies erupting in my stomach and tingling sensations when he touches my skin. I turned my face, when I got frightened that his lips gonna crash on mine.

To which he just laughed made me back off and see the familiar figure in the black suit. My eyes roamed over her body and reached his lips where his charming smile awakened me as I'm going upper to his nose and eyes and realising the person in my dreams.

The first thing I've done is slapped myself. What the hell am I thinking!? That too with Manik," What happens to me. I closed my mouth with my palm and then touched my lips thinking of the moment while removing my palm. what an absurd, I shouldn't think like this. But what can I do...he was so charming that too in that black suit, he was looking handsome on another level.

I shook my head to stop this thinking, but it didn't stop. The same scene is playing in my mind repeatedly as if it was real. That's when I felt the book beside me. This is the one that made me think or else I don't know about these things not in my wildest dreams, I would never dream of kissing a guy even though it was so tempting.

That's when I decided to return this book immediately and keep it on the bookshelf, with an absurd thought of the book placed on my bed causing me this dream. Shutting the thoughts, I open the window when cool air entered the room making it more peaceful and then I drifted to sleep.

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