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Nandu's POV

Disbelief was the situation I was in. While my mind is assessing from my childhood to old age. What is he saying? Should I be happy or sad? Is this Love mean the LOVE everyone says and shows in the cinema or just teenage hormones? What should I do? First I panicked, I pushed him hard and moved back. Should I be happy !? Or Angry. What should I have to do? What should I have to Think? What was the purpose of my Life? Am I going to marry him now.?, Or It's just the Love of Attraction. I hold my head as so many thoughts or running through my head fussing over and over.

My life is over here or what? That's when Manik called me and moved towards trying to talk with me. "Just... just ....Don't c.o.m.e near me ..... " I stuttered", for a minute". I said it with so much difficulty.

"It's not like what you think... Nandu, It's like..It' How to say this? your Mom and you, that kind of Love. Don't panic. "

That made my eyes go wide again. I don't know what my brain and heart playing with me. I got tensed with his words even now. But I was relieved that I was not going to marry him off for now in the name of Love. At the same time, I felt sad too. I doubt that my periods are nearer or what with emotional imbalance.

He nodded and calmed me hugging me from my side and made me sit down. we both settled down. After some time I said, " Don't say words like that suddenly. I can't absorb things." He asked," What is wrong with that?"." I don't know..but..but..", while me stuttering, he got up and went away.

I was stunned by his behaviour. I thought, thought..thought. Not knowing what to do. I huffed and shouted a little letting out anger. But closed my mouth realising it was late at night. It might be loud. This only gets clear after talking with him. With that thought, I stepped down to talk with him.

Mom stopped me where I was going. I answered her that I was going to Santa. "Nandu,  Today I'm not stopping you. You have to stop going to others' houses at night. What will say if someone sees.?Everyone questions my parenting. Try to understand, that you're no longer a kid." She said stressing each word wanted me to convince me in a way, I didn't understand. Never did she say those words till now. Then why now? I got angry with that.

"What are you implying Mom?" I questioned being angry. "I'm not implying anything, Nandu", she said convincing me, "I just want you to be careful".

"You have to concentrate on Life rather than get sidetracked by your feelings and emotions," she said explaining things.

"I don't understand what this is all about?", I said.

"You know what I'm talking about. Today our neighbour's talking rubbish about you and Manik reminding me about your father, doubting my parenting. Today you showed me that you're acting like a teenager. I don't doubt your friendship if you're thinking that. I'm doubting my parenting, while my daughter ends up like a broken doll craving for some Love". Made me narrow my eyes at her listening to her as her face showed different emotions controlling her temper with each word. "Don't make the same mistakes as me. Please be aware of your surroundings too. Go and Come soon", as she hides her inner turmoil. Her words made me not want to go there, as I think with my heart, not with my mind before them.

But I moved forward to their house. Only Manik opened the door. I moved in but he stopped me and asked me to go and sleep. I nodded 'No'. "I wanted to talk to you, just for once listen to me", I said sitting on the couch. He too came and stood before me.

"I don't know what came into my mind when you said those words, I ....", I wanted to clear this thing and make this clear, even though I feel the same about him. The nervousness made me stutter. But he stopped me, " It's okay Nandu, I understand. Don't talk any further. Just be silent and let me be silent.

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