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Nandu's POV

When I heard Mom's exact words. She would be more than happy to live the life, I want. That's what every mother's dream in the first place. Suddenly I felt emotional but remembering that she doesn't feed me in the morning, made me shrug off my thoughts.

I spent my day with my aunt talking about one thing or another. That's when she asked about Manik made my cheeks get warm thinking of the kiss. It felt like he did it again. I shrugged off the thought and talking about him saying there was nothing to talk about him. But she furrowed her eyebrows doubting me to explain. I said something which I don't know whether she got convinced or not but she let it go, when I said, he wasn't there on holiday with me. Only my aunt talks with me about boys and friends. Other than her, everyone asks me about my studies. As I don't have many friends of my age. I don't get questions about boys.

She was the one who taught me how to do makeup and all, which I was never interested in. I don't gossip with her, unlike her and Mom's besties thing. That's when the thought of Nitya and Navya came to my mind. Do Navya too become like Nitya? She was the only one who shared everything in and out of school.

Tomorrow school begins made me self-conscious that I again have to go back to those dreadful school days. But thinking about Manik feels better. And about Rihaan too, I don't feel that much anger towards him anymore.

After many thoughts thinking and thinking as I have nothing to do, Sid called me. We talked for a few minutes. As It was a little difficult to talk much with him, one thing and another upset me and he too got upset with me and ended the call. Yes, Dad didn't call me and I don't want to talk with him for now.

After that, I again started thinking about Mom, Dad and Sid. As there is no work, my mind automatically starts its own business' Overthinking' shrugging off the thoughts. I went to watch TV. Then I don't know when I slept. Mom came late today and she even bought food as I didn't answer the phone knowing my laziness. She bought hot chowmein, and I ate happily. Later, I went to my room. Staring at his windows for a second. I went to bed and slept drowning in my thoughts.

As the syllabus needed to be completed, the classes started even on the first day itself. Seeing me Rihaan and Navya smiled at me. But Rihaan's smile doesn't reach his eyes. That's the problem with me when I forgive someone, I feel like they're my own. Only a few were present, so Navya stopped me to sit with her. Manik came late today. Navya said about Manik Malhotra as he owns an institute which is a big thing. And asked about me as she came to know about the things in the holidays. Only four high schools, one government institute for higher studies and a private skill development institute, which is Manik's institute are present in this town. There may be a huge number of small tutorials present. so news circulates easily in our town. She said many things about her visiting her village which made me feel, how blessed she was to experience all those.

Even though most of the seats are vacant, Manik leaving all the empty seats. he sat in our place only. He asked me to come with his eyes, but I nodded 'No' not wanting to hurt Navya. Later boring classes started. I listened interestingly, as only a few months left for exams. The days started moving smoothly, With Rihaan we were not that close but were on good terms smiling at each other whenever our eyes met and never did he talk overboard and all.

I don't know what happened to Manik, he stopped coming to my room. He talks to me casually at home but maintains little distance which is unusual. we sit beside each of us, but our teasing is lost. He acts like I'm untouchable made me stomp on his foot many times. Sometimes he misses but sometimes he creates drama. He distanced himself from Aliyah too making her cry for a long time made me happy and sad at the same time. Even though I know he isn't in my league, my heart always craves him.

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