chapter 44

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Manik's  POV

Later, I went to Nandu's place, and she might be angry with me for letting her wait. She informed  me yesterday  itself  that  we will study together. when I  entered  auntie's  house, there was another lady who was of the same age, but her dressing makes her a little  younger than  whom I had never come across  before.

Auntie  welcomed me and  said Nandu  would come in a minute and return  to  their  conversation.  So I  felt bored and went to check on Nandu. But when Nandu opened  the  door, my world stopped for   a minute. Her hair was falling on her face, and  she  took them off.she was looking like an angel from heaven in her elegant blue dress make her look more like a model on photoshoot without  her spects, her eyes are more vibrant.Her eyes are talking much than her lips. That's  when  my heartbeat was the only sound I heard. I  felt like I was in  some bollywood  movie in which heroine is looking at her hero expectantly for his reply.I got little confused making me glance at sideways to realise that I'm  standing in her house itself and everything  was real.Beside me there was a  beautiful slide that goes with the dress on the small table stand.I  gave it to her and She replaced this with the other one  made her look more beautiful.

I don't  know  what  I'm  feeling right  now,  my heart is beating  rapidly and  she was looking like a princess and I'm  her prince. I even felt we're getting  married. I  shook my head and  realized  the situation  that she was waiting  for my reply. I fribbled," I said that she was better looking in her uniform." Most of the times, when we're nervous, we don't  say what we feel. Instead, we talk rubbish. I  don't  know  why I  said that,?!. Seeing her feeling  gloomy made my heart twist.

"Why would  I have to say that!?" I questioned  myself.  Can't I just keep  my  mouth shut. Later, aunties joined and praised Nandu. That's  when  she felt satisfied.  Listening  to them, I understood  Nandu  craves for pizza, thinking that treating them might be a good  idea  to impress her. Suddenly  aunt doesn't  let me do it, which made me feel odd. She never said no to my face before  I  think, or Am I never noticed even though  she said. Am I wrong  of giving treat to them!?, I felt confused thinking more. I left that topic.

And Aunt's friend  started talking  giving my small brain relief. She was easy to get along and never interrogated  but was fun with her not to feel serious about everything, and at times, she  joked on Nandu's  Mom. To which Aunt too made fun out of her.

That's when  Nandu joined,my breath altered.After seeing her in that dress, she looked different to my eyes. Maybe  because  of  teenage hormones. Even I never got this feeling  with the Aliyah .My eyes are not leaving her.I  don't  get involved in any other thing except  her face . She is questioning just with her eyes, making it more difficult. 

I don't  understand whether I'm  under drugs or what. Today, the only thing my eyes are taking toll on her.Even while having pizza, I just eat without savoring the taste. Later , Aunt said Good night," but after that incident, I  felt little  odd with  her.she too didn't  prolong any further  but smiled like always  at me. I glanced at Nandu and wished her good night.

I went to my house, and the only thing that my brain replayed was Nandu in her  beautiful  dress.My brain is taunting me," What the hell am I thinking?".but my heart was telling me that I had never felt this before. Every beautiful  girl caught our eye, but only beautiful  souls stay in our hearts. Her every action touches my heart.  I don't  know what this is called , but whatever  this feeling is surreal  made me smile thinking about her.

Grandpa  came and asked for me to have dinner. I  asked him whether he had or not!?. To which he nodded 'No'.
I bought  him to the table and  served him. I  find he wanted to talk with me but was debating  himself. Grandpa  eat , I  ate pizza in Nandu's  place.He started eating  but again fidgeting, glancing at me.

"Grandpa eat , we'll talk later," I  said  to him. He half smiled and  completed his food.

Suddenly,  Grandpa  said, " SORRY."

"Why?" I  asked.

"This was the first time I  ordered you , I should have made you understand that without  doing it, I ordered." He said, looking into my eyes.

Back then, he was the one who kept my secrets  and always  said to have fun.Never he intended to ask about my studies.And Dad always wanted me to study hard.

Your Dad was there to take care of your studies, and  your Mom will come to your school to   about studies. So I don't have  to interfere in your studies.  But now I'm only one left. So I have to ťake care
Of yourself and your studies too. So don't  be mad at me again, I can't  bear that.

"Grandpa,  I understand," I  said, placing  my hand  on his hand, assuring him.Sorry for being  mad at you, back then.I blamed you unnecessarily. But now I  understand that you haven't  done anything  intentionally.  I'm the one who forced them to drive along at that midnight.

" I'm sorry, Grandpa," I  am the sole reason  for that accident. If I didn't  force them, this wouldn't  have happened.

" Don't  say like that, never ever. You don't know what will happen in future   or we can't change  our past the  only thing that is in our hands is , Our  Present". "So please  be happy  and try to make your life happy."

With that, he fed me rubbing off my tears, which  I  don't  know that I'm  crying.

So I  gave  him  medicine before going to bed. He asked me to sleep  with him.  I, too, slept with him.

"I was watching  something  on TV, but being bored with it, I started changing channels. While changing channels on a particular  channel, I  found  my dancing angel dancing, and my eyes never left her moves. Everywhere is dark, and the dimlight is following  her moves, making the dance more attractive. they were not revealing  her face. That's  when  she stopped  dancing, and the lights were turned on. Light started from her toes to the waist, moving upwards, which was blue dress that Nandu had worn before . It stopped  at the chin while she thanked everyone  . Bright light directly fall on her face, which made her close her face with her hand".

That's  when  her hair clip,  which Nandu had worn, is seen. Someone calling me to wake me up  continuously  made me open my eyes. That's  when Grandpa  showed me time  that  I 'm getting  late to school.

I got ready  in ten minutes and  came down seeing  Nandu is in hall having breakfast.  Grandpa  said she was already  late , so he asked her that I'll drop her.
I nodded, seeing me expectantly with her eyes. I said  'Okay' but on one condition. I 'll drop her at my school  only to which  she narrowed  her  eyes.

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