chapter 11

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Nandu's POV

I'm too sleepy when mom shouted that he came, I got up to go but yesterday's conversation came to my mind . So I stayed still to fall asleep again. But a knock on my door made me completely awake. I wanted to say,'Mom I'm sleepy' but the true words slipped out of my tongue by listening to my heart that I don't want to talk to him.

But when I heard Manik's voice. I understood God too is playing with me. I got up to open door hesitantly when he was all dressed up sudden reminder of my position came to my mind. I went to washroom and done facewash and came up setting my hair. Coming back I found he was holding his gift asked whether it is for him hanging, but I nodded No . Why would I have to give him? if he don't find me trustworthy and reliable friend. When his excitement in his face drops my heart desperately shouted at me to give him his gift. I ignored it.

He asked me whether I'm coming to watch his match or not. I wanted to ignore but can't.. I tried my level best to avoid it...leads him to drag me down to mom. Him acting as nothing happened makes me much more angrier. I don't know how to express it, It's been a long time of me expressing my feelings. When mom asked me to get his gift, I know I am struck. He saw me expectantly. I reluctantly went upstairs He grins listening to this. I got back and handed his gift. He said that don't miss the match It will be interesting !what did he mean, by that!!? the twinkle in his eyes and smile in his face saying much more.

Then Mom ushered me to get ready to school which I don't want to go....not like I don't want to,partly I am excited too but this is completely new to me , I never been before to these type of programs in school. I dressed like usual and put my glasses on. "I wanted to remove it, but why would I do change" my innervoices shouted at me for others. My inner battling is from many years but I do follow my mind shutting my heart. So I got out and mom was there ready to go to work waiting for me.

I said 'Bye' and about to leave but then she stopped me holding my hand.
"You don't want me to come she asked that reminded me that she never come except to parents meeting.

"Are you coming with me "I doubted saying it.

She said," it would be good to show up as he pleaded her to come ".

'Mom you never come when I asked you to come for me but you are coming for him' I frowned.

"Is she my mom or his always taking his side!"I complained.

" I'm not coming , I'm just dropping you there myself, I just wanted to see you excited but all you give is sour look" she replied made me look at her for a moment. A smile spread on my lips.

I know she had duty to and will be late so I ushered her leaving the topic behind.

We reached school,the atmosphere completely enthusiastic with students roaming around having the ground settled for everything making anouncements. I searched for Aliya but she was nowhere and I felt wierd by myself because I never attended to any of these type before.

I stood there not knowing what to do or where to go!..Mom was looking around seeing the liveliness.Seeing me Navya came enthusiastically in her usual self. She greeted me 'Hi Nandu, Are you here for real; you never attend these ...I stopped her showing mom and introduced to her.

She slapped her mouth which is usual when she blabbers and greeted her " Hi aunty, you're looking really young noone trust you If you say you are her Mom, I think you're her sis" she started blabbering again. To which mom smiled sweetly, I interupted saying"you are getting late".Her eyes are searching for someone but She left saying Have Fun, which obviously I can't.

Then Navya asked me while walking to where I don't know just following her, "you too excited for match Right!! I'm too literally, That Kabir definitely should pay for his deeds", she said dreaming. "Stop.I heard even Manik tried to bully and make you cry , she asked in disbelief. I know they all are same"she continued.

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