36 - Aunt Nemuri

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Deku POV

The door burst open as my fingers brushed the handle, and a doctor stepped in. I immediately retracted my hand and smiled innocently.

He gave a brief smile back before gesturing to the hallway.

"How are you doing?" He asked. I felt my ears turn red as they did when I got super nervous.

"I-I'm doing alright." I lied.

"Do your arms hurt? They've been unraveled." He observed.

"Oh." I panicked a little. "I just wanted to take them off-"

"It's alright. Just let me." He walked over and helped my unwrap them completely, frowning when he saw my stitches. I was worried for a moment. Then touched one of my injuries with his finger.

It didn't hurt. But I felt sick when I saw my injuries.

There were dark red lines on my arms, some deep enough that I could see stitches holding them closed, some of them were just red scratches. I couldn't help but begin to cry a little.

He made an uncomfortable face, and stood up. "Are you sure you want to take the bandages off the other one?"

I nodded, terribly strained.

The other arm was almost the same. I covered my face with my hands, scrunching up my nose. It was awful. I couldn't believe that I had those things on my body.

He began talking about other things, asking me how I was doing, if I was in pain, if I had all my memories, if I thought I could stand.

I answered as simply as I could, with little words. I didn't feel like talking, at all.

"Can you stand up?" He asked.

I tilted my head in surprise. I hadn't tried, but I was pretty sure that I'd stood up yesterday.

(Sorry for the time skip)

I was frustrated, curled up on my bed. The doctor had left. I tried to stand and walk around, but I was so weak and tired.

After I failed at walking around, the doctor decided I needed some space and left.

Kacchan still pissed me off.

"Fucking idiot!" I snapped, throwing my pillow weakly at the ceiling. He had to leave me mad, sad, and I can't even fucking walk anywhere.

Plus his annoyed face made me blush. Even when he was being a jerk his eyes were bright red and shining , and the curl of his lip as he snarled, it made my face turn red.

Fuck you! I hate you sometimes...

I didn't realize I'd said it out loud. I growled.

The doctor cautiously opened the door. "Excuse me, Mr. Midoriya?"

"Yeah?" I said without looking at him.

"You have two visitors, would you like to see them?" He asked cautiously.

I sighed. I didn't want to see anybody, I didn't want to answer any questions, I didn't want to have to deal with two curious classmates.

"Do you have any relatives besides your mother and father?"

I was surprised at the question.

"Well...I'm not sure about my father, but I think I have a half aunt on my mom's side."

"Two women are here, one said she's your aunt, her name's Nemuri-"


Oh shit.

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