45 - Teddy Bear

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Bakugo POV (fluff and cuteness because I'm stressed as fuck and need Bakudeku cuteness)

I woke up to a beautiful sight, a green haired angel curled up with his head on my chest, small lines of sunlight lighting up his cute face. I smiled and touched his cheek gently. He sighed softly and didn't move.

Suddenly my phone buzzed, causing me to jump a little and him to groan and shove his face into my shirt.

I grabbed my phone carefully, attempting not to disturb him. The first thing I did was silence it, then I looked to see who was messaging me so damn early in the morning.

My stupid mom had interrupted us and woken my precious sleeping angel.

Hey, Inko said Izuku's not answering his phone, she wanted to say that Izuku needs to be watched for a few days, due to his situation, and she thought that he could stay with you. Is that alright?

Like I was gonna let him out of my sight.


Deku rolled over and whined as the blinds opened a little more and light shined right in his eyes.

Poor baby. He must have been exhausted from staying up on his nights in the hospital. I know that his bed was pretty uncomfortable, so even when he was sleeping it couldn't have been a super good sleep.

"Mhm. You're comfy."

I chuckled to myself as he smiled slightly and nuzzled his nose into my neck. He fell back asleep and I let him lay there peacefully for almost another two hours.

Luckily I remembered we had today off, I think. If we didn't then me and him were still skipping school. He needed rest.

At one point within those two hours he rolled off of me and grabbed one of my pillows as a substitute. To be honest, I was kinda jealous.

Of...of a pillow. I was jealous that he was hugging a pillow instead of me.

I rested my head on my hand, leaning on my elbow right next to his head and gently playing with his hair.

My finger twisted strands of his dark hair around it before moving down the back of his neck. I traced his little jaw with the tip of my finger, then continued to move my index finger down his shoulder and arm.

I gently brushed his arm, the part that was littered with scars. Some of them were long, some of them were short. Some overlapped, and some of them were deep and some shallow. It made my heart hurt to see all of them, and I wanted to cry as I remembered the time when those were open wounds, bleeding down into his hands and staining his skin crimson.

I let my head rest right behind his, he was facing away from me. I let my hand slide down into his smaller one. I held his hand gently.

My breath was on the back of his neck, his soft skin practically against my lips.

"You're such a creep, Kacchan, watching me sleep."

I couldn't help it and began laughing, rolling onto my back.

Deku turned just enough to glare at me. I grinned at seeing him and rolled him over so he was back to facing away from me, and wrapped my arms around him. He growled and squirmed in my grip, grabbing at my wrists.

"Calm down Teddy Bear." I laughed, kissing him on the jaw. I wanted to kiss him on the cheek, but he was turning away from me. (Г~Г)

He froze, tensing up. I moved my head to look at him. He was blushing bright red and his eyes were wide.

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