76 - Stress

435 13 42

Bakugo POV

"Can you leave me alone, I don't want to talk to you." I hissed through my teeth, rolling my head back and focusing on the dark sky and silhouettes of buildings. The air helped to rid my eyes of the tears desperate to spill over.

I could hear the red head jogging slightly to keep up with me, adopting a steady pace once he was a step or two in front of me.

He waved his hand slightly, I noticed in my peripheral vision, before resorting to talking without me giving any response.

"Yeah, sorry bro." He tried to laugh it off. "I just didn't think it would be very smart to go walking alone this late."

I snorted. "Have you seen my fucking quirk? Nobody would be stupid enough, or powerful enough to-"

A ghost feeling of slime making it's way around my body, grabbing at my flesh, and cutting my air off, washed over me, making me shut my mouth slowly and allowing a shudder to run down my back.

"I can defend myself just fine, Shitty Hair." I said lowly.

"Fine, fine." He rolled his shoulders like he was uncomfortable. The way he moved was so awkward, and he kept turning slightly, as if to look over his shoulder.

Kirishima POV

He's so...calm.

I thought he was in love with Midoriya. His eyes would linger on hin, he wouldn't want to be away from him, I assumed he would never leave him like this.

I expected him to be mad, because he doesn't exactly let off emotions by crying. I expected to deal with his fury, to see his palms light up with sparks and small explosions, to see his face contort into rage and his crimson eyes shaking as he yelled at me. I was used to that.

Bakugo was just...numb.

His face was blank, besides the occasional moment when the moon would reflect off the tears pooling in his eyes, before he blinked it away.

Damn, Midoriya really was the only one he was soft for.

I became slightly panicked at the idea he might begin crying or have a panic attack in front of me, because I couldn't calm him down, and even if, by some miracle, I was able to, I would feel like shit about it. All because I was only there to slit his throat at a moment's notice, or to keep him from noticing his boyfriend being kidnapped.

I don't wanna do this...

How the hell did I even get here?

I was a heartbroken little teen. I can't even legally drink yet, and for some reason I decided it would be better to potentially ruin my future based off a crush that didn't work out. Fucking hell.

I dreaded the possible sound of a ding from my phone. I put a special notification sound if Kaminari texted me. He told me I should expect to just kill him if he texted me. Maybe not right away, but if he texted me that's what I was supposed to do.

I got into this whole stupid thing because of Bakugo, how the hell would I kill him?

Bakugo POV

I didn't hate Deku, don't get me wrong. He just...

I kept flashing back to us as kids, his hand reaching out to me, his wide smile. The way my blood boiled at the gesture, my mind twisting it into something awful, that manifested into me causing his misery.

I was the reason he was covered with scars, the reason he stopped, and the reason he'll probably start again. That was most definitely breaking the promise I made to myself.

But you just can't fucking get past your self esteem, can you? You can't, you stupid fucker.

My feet couldn't even help me move to turn, even just to make sure he hadn't run off or was looking to hurt himself.

No, I made myself keep walking, blocks away from the restraunt, until in the distance I could see the UA dorms. Kirishima was slightly out of breath behind me.

But, finally, I dragged foot harshly against the concrete and stopped, eyes widening, and turned to look behind me.

Fuck. He's gonna kill himself...

Panic surged through me as I came to my senses. He had been suicidal for a long time, and his eyes looked so dead, his hands were reaching out for me desperately. If I leave him alone he's gonna die.

"Shit..." I hissed out loud, making Kirishima jump a little.

"He's gonna hurt himself...as much as he might hate me right now, I need to make sure he's back at the dorms safely." I mumbled as a short explanation to the red head before turning and walking even faster back the way we came.

I didn't get two steps before he put his hand on my shoulder and pulled me rather harshly back.

My head whipped around so I could glare at him. He rolled his ruby eyes before pulling me back a step.

"Kaminari is with him, he'll be fine." He said quickly, tugging on my shoulder again.

I was a silent for almost a minute until I snorted a little.

"I don't care. Let me go."

His expression hardened, but his grip slowly softened, allowing me to harshly shrug his hand off me. He didn't go after me that time, but a quick glance back showed he just stood there with his hands in his pockets.


The sight of only empty space where he should be standing, outside the alley, made my heart speed up immensely.

I busted the door to the restraunt open, attracting several strange looks from people at other tables. Most of our class ignored it, only a few glancing up. I ignored them all except for the one brunette who most likely knew what was going on.

"Round face!" I barked, and the small girl jumped a little, staring at me with wide eyes.

"Is Deku with you?" I snapped. She shook her head quickly.

"He, uh, he isn't with you?" She chirped in surprise. One of her cheeks was bulged out, she probably had a mouthful of mochi.

"Why the fuck would I be asking you you if he was with me?" I retorted.

"Bakugo, language!" Iida snapped from next to her. As he spoke I saw one of his hands creeping onto her plate to steal her food.

"Fuck you, you fucking fuck." I said even louder, giving him a death glare. His eyes narrowed but he stayed quiet.

Mina chimed in, turning to look at me. "Kami said he was gonna go keep an eye on him. He just texted and said Deku is tired so they went back to the dorms."

I bit my tongue angrily, inhaling slowly before nodding. "Ok, I'm going back there myself."

If it was Deku saying he was fine and going back to the dorms I would search the whole damn city to find him, but since it was Dunce face...I guess I should just go home.



I'm not sure what these chapter titles should be anymore.

Don't drink bleach, but you should comment or something

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