80 - Brat

457 16 67

(Tw, burning, torture basicallly)

Bakugo POV

It's been way too long, and I swear it's gonna drive me crazy. I keep sitting on the edge of things, like any second I have to be out the door, or rushing off to fix something.

I wish the police would tell me something, or let me join the search. I bet I could help them, or at least be the only one there actually trying. The second those motherfuckers saw that he had attempted suicide less than a year ago, they stopped looking into him being kidnapped, and began checking the rivers. Once they found nothing, they began saying they were going to close the case.

I call him faithfully every hour, hoping that someone will mess up and answer, at least, and I'll have something, even if it is just him telling me to fuck off. It would be something.

"Hey, are you gonna come with us, or...?"

Mina rubbed my cheek with one of her soft hands. She paused and her nail scraped against my skin softly as she wiped a tear away. No, it was sweat or something, I don't cry that easily.

"If you don't want to come with us that's fine. I just thought it'd be good to all be together again, even with, well, y'know."

"God damn it Pinky, just say his fucking name! And stop touching me!" I swiftly swung my head around to get it away from her hand. She pulled it down in defeat, huffing slightly in thought and crossing her arms.

"It's not easy on any of us, y'know. im trying to make things easier, even if im not the best at it." She leaned her head on her shoulder sadly. "Let's just go. I don't wanna talk about it any more than you do."

I grunted and stood up before she could, striding toward the door and swinging it open.


Deku POV

"You see, your power is the whole reason we wanted you here."

"Well, yeah, I'd assume that's part of it." I made sure to do the best smirk I could muster, which made the white-haired man make a mocking face and shake his head.

"Yeah yeah, shut up, kid." He pried the cold fingers clutching his face off and placed the strange hand nearby.

"Y'know, it was kinda inconvenient that you hadn't just stayed with your parents that night. Y'know, the night we turned them into little piles of ash." He grinned, his face wrinkling up in a horrible way.

I felt resentment bubble in my chest, obviously showing on my face, in return he wore a clear expression of glee.

"Did you like seeing on the news about the fire? How I helped turn them into ash?" He walked towards me, leaning down so he could look right into my eyes with his own cold crimson ones.

I wrenched my body as far forward as I could, which was basically nothing. The ropes dug harshly into my arms, irritating my skin as I tried to twist around in a futile attempt to get out of my confines. Shigaraki smiled down at me as I threw my body forward again.

I growled lowly in the back of my throat, which turned into a frustrated cry.

"Bastard!" I snapped, moving furiously for another minute until I tired out and stopping, unable to catch my breath properly with the ropes digging into my stomach. Glaring through my dark hair, I went completely still, waiting for him to continue. 

"You done throwing a temper tantrum?" Dabi spat, hitting his head lightly on the wall behind him where he was leaning.

"You kids are fucking brats, it's annoying as shit to have to listen to you whine and yell at us all the time." The ebony haired man drawled on. "Shut up, my god."

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