26 - Mitsuki Bakugo

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Bakugo POV


I hurt so damn bad. My hands stung, but it was nothing next to the pain in my head.

I moved my stiff fingers weakly, feeling soft sheets and blanket underneath my palms and fingertips. Finally I gazed through my lashes and squinted at the blank ceiling. I was still in my hero uniform.

I sat up and shoved the blanket off of me in disgust. All of that, and I still got fucking knocked out. It was pathetic.

"Bakugo?" Kirishima had his head rested on one of hands, looking seemingly bored. His eyes lightened a little as he saw me.

"What?" I snapped, struggling to remove the grenades from my wrists. My skin underneath felt sweaty and clammy, and I just needed them off. I finally tore them from my arms and let them clatter to the floor.

"How long have I been passed out?" I growled.

He smiled a little. "Half and hour, maybe a little more."

"What the fuck happened? I was trying to beat the shit outta that idiot."

"You did, you beat him up really good." Kirishima said excitedly. "I guess he managed to copy your quirk before you got off of him, and was reawakened when Aizawa began yelling. He sent a large explosion in your direction, which made you hit your head and pass out."

"Hmph." I scratched the back of my neck. I didn't regret doing what I did to Monoma, I was pissed off that he managed to get a hit on me.

"Monoma is in the hospital, you messed him up pretty bad. Nothing permanent." He shrugged. "Thanks to him having a dislocated jaw and broken ankle he'll be out of school for a while."

Our faces both reflected the same smug smile.

"How much trouble am I in?" I cocked my head, staring out the window. He snorted softly.

"I don't know. I'll bet strongly you at least get suspended. They might not expell you, but don't count on it." He bit his lip. "You beat that idiot half to death, not that he didn't deserve it."

I chuckled, but my chest hurt. Monoma still said those things about Deku. It was disgusting how he could say that.

How anybody...


Say that...

"If you're that desperate for a quirk, maybe you'll get one in your next life! Meanwhile, do us all a favour and take a swan dive off the roof!"

I clamped my hand over my mouth, feeling sickened by the memory.



Her short heels tapped harshly against the tile, and her cheeks were flushed red with anger. My face was a near replica of hers, with the same angled eyes, mouth always in a scowl or smirk, and perky noses.

She crossed her arms when she stood in front of my bed, glaring at me. Her hair was like mine, spiky and platinum blonde. People swear I'm a male version of her.

Kirishima glanced briefly between us, connecting the dots on his own

"Are you Baku's sister?"


"No, dumbass." I rolled my eyes hard. "This is my mom."

"Oh! Sorry." He kept looking between me and my mom. "You look really young, ma'am."

Her face softened for a moment. "Thank you. It's the nitroglycerin."

"The what?"

"Katsuki Bakugo, you better have a good god damn reason as to why you got into a fight and severely hurt another student!" She growled through her teeth like I often did. "I really thought you had stopped this behaviour."

"You need to listen, you don't know what he did first-"

"What could have been so bad? Did he look at you the wrong way? Did he insult you a little?" She raised her hand to smack me on the back of my head.

I held up my arms in defense.

"That bastard said that he thought Deku should have been sucessful during his suicide attempt."

All the blood immedietly left her face, and she lowered her hand.

"Inko told me. I'm sorry you've been having to go through this alone." I felt her sit down beside me.

Kirishima sensed that he should leave, and hurried out the door.

"What did he say?"

"He said that Deku was 'a coward' for doing what he did, and that he hoped...he hoped a nurse would trip over his life support." The wave of emotions hit me, and I doubled over, letting my forehead rest on my knees. I cried as mom stroked my hair softly.

"This is really hard for you, I can see that honey." She began scratching my back soothingly. "I can tell you really care for him. You always have."

I sniffed and attempted to clear my throat.

"I'm sorry. I should've been here the whole time, here for you when you were going through all of this." I sat up and saw she was crying a little.

"Izuku is a good person. He has so much he wants to accomplish, just like you do. You both empower each other. Don't let that change." She bit her lip and pulled me towards her, letting me rest my head on her shoulder.

"And when he wakes up-"

"If he wakes up..." I choked.

"When he wakes up, because I know he will, he's a fighter. When he wakes up, you stay by his side and make sure things never get to this point again." She instructed.

"I love him so much..." I admitted, and suddenly after felt strange. I never said those words out loud.

"I know you do. He loves you as well."

"But, I fucked up, and might have ruined everything with him, he wasn't talking to me before he did this.

"And...I'm the reason he did, he was stressed because of me, and that's why he did it..."

"This isn't your fault. Even if it is partially, you had zero intent for things to go this way. That I know."

I smiled softly to myself. It was only a few months...right? Then I would be able to see his face lighting up, hearing his sweet voice, maybe, if I'm lucky I'll be able to feel those soft lips of his...

"By the way, you're suspended for two weeks." She said simply. "Be grateful, they wanted to make it more than a month, or even expulsion, but I guess your spiky friend told them the same thing you told me. The boy is in the hospital, and he's also suspended for a week."

"Good." I snarled. Better that he got a good punishment for what he had done.

"Honey, you can make a choice, you can either stay with me and your father for two weeks, or you can be on house arrest in your dorm." She smiled evily.

I rolled my eyes as hard as I could.

"I'd rather be in isolation than have to stay with you, old hag."

She smacked me hard in the back of my head.

"Ow! Shit, that hurts!"

We love us Bakumomma :))
Maybe the next chapter will be from a different point of view, one that we haven't seen in a while...
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