75 - Last Chance

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Kaminari POV (CW, needles, stabbing)

I barely got a glimpse of him before he screamed my name.

My foot was pressed hard against Midoriya's back as I pulled out the needle I had been given, and injected the weird substance into his arm.

It wasn't meant to kill him, erase his quirk, or anything of the sort. All it did was make his brain all fuzzy, and nearly paralyze him. We couldn't risk anything that might make him die or get extremely sick.

We couldn't hurt him too badly just yet.

I had jumped a little too hard when I pushed him down, and might have cracked one of his ribs. As I pulled the needle out of him, I remembered what had just made my heart nearly burst out of my chest.

"Shit!" I snapped as he came into view, his dark eyes wide with fear, and mouth open in horror.

"Kami..." Sero mumbled, his eyes filling with tears. His eyes raked over the limp body before me, and the needle I still was holding clearly in one hand.

"Hanta..." I said back, lifting a hand up weakly to the ebony haired boy. I dropped the needle onto the cold ground, and began stumbling to my knees.

"Hanta, baby, I promise I can explain this...I didn't..."

"Didn't what? Didn't fucking kill Midoriya?!" He yelled, stepping away from me.

I probably looked insane, sitting on top of what looked like a corpse, my brain riddled with nothing but terror, and my eyes looking manic. He was terrified of me. The one person I loved was staring at me in disgust.

His gaze moved away from me, and his eyes settled on the two villains standing near me. Toga was on one knee, blood still dripping slowly down her forehead and cheek.

He took a deep breath before looking back at me. Despite the hurt I knew he felt, he still moved cautiously toward me.

"Denki, please get off him." He said in a strained voice. I couldn't move, no matter how much I screamed at my limbs to. He bit his lip.

"Just...get off him, walk over to me, please." He cooed, holding his arms out.

"How did you find me?" Was all I said.

He swallowed hard. "You sent me your location, which by now I guess you did on accident. I thought you might be in trouble, so I came as fast as I could."

"Baby, you weren'y supposed to see any of this." I hissed. "L-leave..."


"Leave..." I mumbled again, a little louder. "Pretend you never saw this..."


I stared at the ground determinedly, breathing faster. I had only a little while longer before he would attack us, no doubt. I had to either knock him out and take him with us, or...


No. That was all I could do. This plan revolved around me being able to go back to UA with Kirishima, and me disappearing would be too suspicious. I could just blame it on the villains, they attacked two UA students and left. I barely escaped.

"Denki, stay calm please. These villains manipulated you, didn't they?"


"Take a deep breath and please come to me." He said, holding his hand out a little further without taking another step. "I can explain to the school, they'll understand, we can save him, you'll be ok."

Didn't it sound like a good idea in theory?

I had been manipulated, hadn't I? They put ideas in my mind that I couldn't get rid of, and it had all led me down here.

I was told when I was young that plently of birds fly over our heads. They all want to make a nest, but we can almost always make it impossible for them not to. When they told me what they wanted, the bird landed, made a home, and the branches of it rooted themselves to my brain. I couldn't get rid of it.

I'm too far in. I'd die before being able to escape, the branches would tear my brain to pieces.

I opened my mouth to tell one of the others to restrain him, but I barely got a word out before the flash of blue and metal caught my eye.

A cry of horror left my lips a second too late as Toga lunged forward, jumping at Sero, and the blade of her knife made it's way through the center of his chest.

He let out a choked sound, spitting out blood and gasping for air as the blonde removed the knife and lifted the blade to his throat.

"No! Toga stop!" I screamed, my voice quickly becoming hoarse, and it sounded like a bare whisper as she lowered her knife. It was too late, his eyes had already gone blank, and his hand that was reaching out to me, inviting me to redeem myself, to go back to someone who loved me, was lying with limp, porcelain fingers on the dead grass.

As I gasped for air and the words to comprehend what just happened, a hand on my back snapped me back to reality, yanking me off Midoriya and to my feet.

Toga hoisted up the limp body of the green haired student and proceeded to drag him through the portal Kurogiri had left us.

"Well, Kaminari?" Toga questioned, raising an eyebrow. "We don't have all the time in the world, someone's bound to find him here sooner or later."

You're right, I tried to say out loud.

She pulled me backwards, allowing one last glance at my boyfriend's dead body before I was in a dimly lit room.

I didn't turn to face any of them, but I could hear the villains talking.

"We finally have All Might's little protege, now don't we? I have to say, I'll have fun killing this one."



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