79 - What Cuts Deep

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Deku POV (cw, blood, needle, knives, panic attack)

You get extra long chapter because I don't think I've updated in 2 weeks °-°

I was struggling to breathe properly through the pain, and it didn't help that I could barely get myself off the floor. They'd injected me with some strong drugs, incapacitating me.

I could see Shigaraki walking toward me out of the corner of my eye, before crouching down next to me, and flicking my cheek with his finger.

"God, you're as pale as a sheet of paper. And you won't stop shaking, jeez." He rolled his eyes as he shoved me onto my back. "I think you gave him too much."

Toga shrugged like it wasn't her problem, probably still pissed that I punched her.

His red eyes narrowed, and with a small sigh of annoyance he stood back up and turned to face Toga fully. "Go get some food. You know we can't have him die yet."

The white haired man then turned and pressed the toe of his boot against my throat, right in the spot where Kirishima kicked me. He dug the edge of it into the bruise a little, making me wheeze slightly and gasp. He tilted his head in curiosity before taking a few steps back.

"It's fascinating, y'know." He hissed.

"What, what is?" I stuttered, rubbing my aching throat. My head was starting to spin a little.

"How the protege of All Might was taken down so easily, by one of his own classmates. You're supposed to be the new, better All Might, and all it took to take you down was a few words and a needle to the arm." He snickered.

"I thought it would be fun to take you in, but with all these drugs in you, you can barely speak." He sighed. "Kinda unsatisfactory."

I slowly sat up, keeping a hand over my chest protectively.

"Why don't you let me go, then?" I asked, managing a smile. It was more of a grimace, but it was something. It distracted me from other things.

"No, sorry." He sighed, expressionless, leaning down and pinching my chin before tilting my head up so I was forced to look at him. I thought about slapping him away, or biting him.

Maybe if I bit him it would actually do something. Theoretically, if I bit off one of his fingers that could render him powerless. It was a passing thought though.

His fingers dug into my chin in a violent way, nails slowly biting at my skin and scraping my flesh as he pulled me up harder. His eyes studied me in a sort of disgust right before shoving me off his hand, staring blankly at me.

"You really gave up fast, didn't you?" He mumbled.

I stayed silent, lips trembling slightly. I should have screamed at him, or tried to knock him out, I should have done anything, but I just sat there, knowing he was right.


They left me alone after all, and I sat there for hours. I didn't have any way of telling whether it was day or night, what time it was, or whether anyone was even passing by my room.

Once I got past the fatigue I began looking all around the room.

The ceiling had a vent, most likely, and that vent might lead somewhere. Anywhere outside, really, would be ideal. Only problem was, I didn't know how high up I was, or where I was. I could have been halfway across Japan from UA and everyone. Not that I would be able to climb through a vent with broken ribs.

The door was thick and had metal plates on the front. There were zero windows around the room or even on the door. The lights were dim but they made sure I wasn't just sitting in pitch black.

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