42 - The corner

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Bakugo POV

Inko burst in as I slid my fingers into his hair, nibbling on his lip and about to kiss him deeply again.

She stared in surprise at both of us, and I realized how bad it looked.

I was on top of Deku with him tangled up in the sheets and our lips almost pressed together. He'd tried to push me off of him but it just ended with him grabbing my shirt and looking like he was trying to take it off.

"M-mom!" He gasped, and I stood up quickly taking a step back.

She twisted a strand of her forest green hair around her finger and kept parting her lips like she meant to say something, but refrained from it.

Finally she gave a slight chuckle and looked at the floor nervously. "I came to talk to you Izuku...but if you're...busy, I can come back later?"

I hastily straightened out my shirt, blushing darkly as I remembered Deku's little hands on my clothing.

The strings on his hospital gown were loose, I could see that, along with his hair being disheveled. I had to admit, it looked really bad, and even I myself questioned what it could have led to if Inko hadn't walked in.

I scratched the back of my neck, and gave Deku a glance. He definitely wasn't finished talking to me, and we'd been...sidetracked.

"No, mom." Deku said, looking away from me. "Kacchan was leaving, we can talk right now."

I bit my lip. Honestly, if she hadn't come in I wasn't sure what would have happened if she hadn't come in, but if Deku had told her to leave, we would have probably sat in awkward silence and I would have left anyway, making him even more pissed off at me.

Now though, if she's gonna stay then I won't be able to talk to him until later. I need to speak with him now.

I sighed, and looked at him. He still looked slightly pissed, but less now.

"If I may ask, what were you two doing?" Inko's eyes were wide.

We both went still. Deku got to his feet cautiously, and grabbed onto my shoulder for support.

"We were talking." He mumbled.

Inko nodded and I turned to leave, but suddenly the little nerd's hand was on my cheek. He let out a soft sigh and turned my head to face him, pulling me down into a kiss. I froze and let him kiss me for a few seconds before walking away. He stood there with a hesitant look on his face.

Inko was still watching us, she looked a bit calmer, but now any suspicions she had were confirmed, and I wasn't exactly ready to tell people.

I left quickly.

Whatever his mom had to talk to him about was between them, and I had no business being there. Hell, I should technically have no business being here, but I still...I still have to protect him.

I realized as I was holding him, that I forgot about my promise. I realized I left him alone in the hospital room. Tons of machines, different tools, able to kill easily. Pills, sedatives, needles filled with sleeping gas, guaranteeing an easy and painless death. I've never felt the way he has, but I'm guessing someone with his mindset would see that as a rare opportunity.

With that, I left him alone after making him upset. Granted, the doctors would find out easily if he tried anything, but it could be too late. He could slide open that window with the pretty view and jump out. They wouldn't be able to stop him, either.

I decided to trust Inko, because I'm sure she knows him better than I do, and would keep an eye on him after what he tried. That, and I would text him every day. But I had caused enough damage.

It had only been two days and I'd made him upset, and non-directly sent him into a panic attack.

I left the hospital and went back to my dorm. Deku needed some space, and I should give him some. I know before he said he didn't want me to leave, but the look on his face said otherwise.


As I laid in bed, I pulled out my phone one more time to look at the photo. Not out of enjoyment, obviously, but to study it over.

My eyes traveled over the picture, my nose wrinkling in distaste. Still I persisted, searching for anything that might prove that it was photoshopped, which was very unlikely, or some sort of indicator. It was grasping at nothing, but as I dropped my phone next to me a number in the corner caught my eye before it hit the blanket.

I rapidly picked it back up and squinted at that one spot, and the faded numbers that sat there.

It was lucky, it showed the date the picture was taken on. Whoever had taken it from Mina, on the idea that she didn't send it, had forgotten to blur it out.

I read the date over and over, there was a strange familiarity to it. It wasn't the night we'd had that party, because it wasn't the day the actual picture was taken, it was the day that someone took a screenshot.

Without another thought I called Mina.

"Raccoon-eyes." I snapped as soon as she picked up.

"Yeah, what's up?"

"Are you sure you never left your phone alone or lost it within the past few weeks?"

"No! I mean...actually, there were two instances. At one point I thought I lost it while a bunch of us were hanging out, it ended up being stuck between the couch cushions. The other time was when we went to the infirmary to see you, but you were unconscious." She shrugged. "I left it somewhere in there, and some students came in and out."

"That's all I need to know." I said hurriedly, and hung up.

There was only one other person with me there, and according to what I was told, he woke up before I did.

*moonwalks out*

Sorry, I haven't had much motivation, and I'm kinda dragging through these to build up to some of the next parts.

I promise I'll do better tho.

Hope ya'll like the sort of cliffhanger ;)

🐙 Reginald has returned.

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