67 - Conversations

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Deku POV (TW, sorta mentions of abuse, bullying)

I moved quickly across the grass, shoving my hands in my front pockets. I was still slightly sweaty, due to me skipping my shower, and tired.

My mind had finally relaxed after days of strain and sadness, but it occasionally stung like being flicked hard, making me shut my eyes to stop it. There were still hours before I could fully relax.

My eyes shifted up to stare at the sky. It was actually pleasant to be put in physical strain. It was easier, because it was something I knew how to deal with. My mental strain went on for years, and has only gone down by a bit. The physical pain leaves in a few weeks, or even a few days. That's why I do it.

I could see Kacchan by the end of the hallway, walking towards me. He raised an eyebrow as he caught my eye, and cautiously adjusted to walk in my direction. As our paths crossed he stopped in front of me.

"Hey...Izuku." I felt my shoulders tense up and I bit my tongue. He seemed to notice the change in my demeanor based off his words. "Sorry, I just wanted to try calling you by your first name." He chuckled lightly.

I tried to laugh back, but I only exhaled slightly, my lips stretching into a half grimace.

I swallowed hard in embarrassment.

"Are you alright? You seemed kind of worried about something earlier." He said, growing quieter at the end of his sentence.

Something in my chest twisted hard. "I don't know what you mean."

"It must have been my imagination, I guess." He mumbled, pursing his lips.

It wasn't.

I smiled and pressed my lips against his cheek. I couldn't really call it a kiss, it was like my mouth was numb as I did it. I lingered for a few seconds, hoping the sound of his hand slapping away mine would leave my mind.

"Fucking stupid child!" He had snapped, slapping my hand harshly. I fell to the ground, sobbing and calling out for mom. He just rolled his eyes. "How can such a crybaby be my son?"

I'm not a crybaby...

I blinked back tears and pulled back, rolling onto my heels and bouncing back slightly as a distraction.

"I'll see you later tonight, I have to go somewhere." I smiled as genuinely as I could. He had half a smile as he nodded and let me keep going past him.



"Oh...hey, Mr. Aizawa." I looked in surprise at the ebony haired teacher. He was standing in a kinda weird place, right next to the janitors closet with his phone in his hand. He raised an eyebrow at me and bit his lip before shoving the phone in his pocket.

"I have to do something quickly, can you head over to Principal Nezu's office?" He requested, not taking his eyes off his phone. I blinked in confusion.

"Oh, alright." I took a few steps forward before stopping. "Wait, where's his office? And, why?"

"It'll be explained later." He mumbled before walking past me and down the hall. "Just keep going straight, and turn right at the next turn."



"Wow, I didn't expect to see you here."

My vision was filled with a smug purple eyed boy, some of his combed blonde hair falling out of place. He had a smirk that showed a few teeth and his hands were on either side of me, resting his palms on the armrests and digging his fingers into the wood.

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