51 - Floating

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Deku POV (kind of a filler, but with fluff)

Over a week passed after me and Kacchan witnessed the strange phone call. On some days I'm lonely because the class still goes back to visit that middle school, and I'm stuck at school catching up on work and training hard.

Kacchan's lip piercing is "still sensitive", he barely kisses me, so I jokingly told him he was no fun anymore and then he bit me. Apparently he's well enough to do that.

On top of that, we haven't talked about my arms in all that time. Only once did he help me bandage them in silence, glaring at my hands the whole time.

I don't think we've talked in two days, which has made me pretty sad. I don't know why we haven't talked. He just...hasn't really paid any attention to me. I'm kinda bummed about it, but I don't wanna say anything.

"Iida isn't going to-"

I cut her off. "Ochako, you called me in here to have me help you, what exactly do you want me to do?"

She sighed. "I just need you to talk to him. There have been some rumors going around that he and that Hatsume girl finally broke up. Can you just ask him if it's true?"

"You're just as much his friend as I am, all you have to do is ask him. He won't find it weird." I assured her, sticking my legs straight up in the air. The motion almost knocked me off her bed, and my hands grabbed at the sheets to keep myself balanced.

I was sitting with my head hanging off the edge and my feet on the wall. She was on the floor with her phone in one hand and was chewing on her nails on the other hand.

Mina did her nails, actually, so the brunette was wearing clear short fake nails. I'm not sure why, but she was.

"I want to believe it's that easy, but it's different for you, you haven't had to risk being rejected by a guy."

I smiled awkwardly. "I understand."

She rolled onto her back.

"Maybe...can you force me to?" She questioned. "Could you like, shove me into his room and make it so I can't get out of doing it?"

I stared at the ceiling. "Sure. I mean, an alternative to that could be if you got Shinso to make you do it. You really wouldn't have any way out of that one."

"I don't know him well enough for that. Hell, I barely know his name, I would seem like some silly girl to him if I asked him to do me a favor as such." The brunette let out a soft sigh and dropped her phone next to her head.

"I'm making too big of a deal out of this, aren't I? I should just go."

I sat up properly on the bed. "You know you don't have to."

"I know, but I also have some obligation. I've put this off for so long, I've waited for a perfect moment to tell him, isn't this about right? He broke up with Mei, and doesn't seem upset at all."

"It still might be too soon. He might like you back, but if you do it at a time like this there's a chance he'll feel it isn't the right time and reject you despite his true feelings." I explained, chewing on my nail nervously.

I used to have a little crush on Uraraka. She's super sweet and cute, but she was going on dates with Iida at the time, so I discarded those feelings. I was told later on she liked me a little bit before that. Nothing ever happened, we don't talk about it, and neither of us feel that way anymore.

It's a lot about timing. Maybe if she hadn't been asked out by Iida then we would have dated. I don't want her to get her heart broken.

"You have a point. But I still don't even know if it's true."

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