21 - Not-So-Good-Distraction

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Bakugo POV
Kirishima's jacket was draped around my shoulders, and I lay shaking, curled up next to him in the waiting room. Inko was pacing back and forth, but looked like she'd run out of tears, and instead her lip was quivering uncontrollably.

Kirishima awkwardly had an arm around me, and his head was faced completely away from me. I didn't give a fuck, though, my mind was on Deku.

One of the doctors that had rushed into the room earlier walked in with a clipboard in her hands.

"You guys are here for Izuku Midoriya, right?"

Inko nodded. I moved my head just enough to nod at her.

"Well, the good news is that he's ok, and we shouldn't have another issue like this." She smiled, but only with her mouth. I felt my stomach twist. "The unfortunate news is that it's going to be an even longer coma for him."

"How the fuck did you manage to do that?" I laughed in shock. "Your job is to fucking save him and you just extending his fucking coma."

Kirishima pinched my arm and then activated his quirk, making it hurt like hell. I hissed through my teeth and tried to cover up my reaction.

The nurse frowned but she didn't look upset. "I apologise, we're just trying to do everything in our power to insure that he pulls through. I know this is tough for all of you."

Inko smiled sadly at her. "Thank you for all you've done. I was terrified he wouldn't make it out of this alive."

"He won't be allowed to have visitors for twenty-four hours, so I recommend all of you go get some sleep. We'll contact you if anything new happens."

"Alright, thank you." Inko stood up and began walking to the door.

She listens to them, I guess. If I weren't so tired, I would probably insist that I get to see him one more time. But it's been over two hours of non-stop worrying and stress. I need to go home.

"Want me to drive you back?" Kirishima asked. The rest of the group had stayed most of the time, but then left to get dinner. I wasn't hungry.

"Yeah." I mumbled.


Everything outside was already dark as me and Kirishima began to drive home.

After about ten minutes of silence, he gritted his teeth and turned to speak to me. "I also have to pick up the rest of them, is that ok?"

I shrugged. "Whatever."

He turned and drove for a while until he got to a neighborhood with smaller but modern houses. He pulled up to one where you could see bright lights through the big front window.

"This is Mina's house." He explained quickly, before getting out of the car and walking to the front door.

I pulled out my phone and scrolled through my messages. There was a few from them, but mostly from Uraraka and Iida, because for some stupid reason I gave them my number. I texted them and told them that Deku was alright

It had a been a few minutes, and Kirishima hadn't come back out.

I settled back on my phone and began scrolling through the news. UA was being investigated for suspicions on there being a traitor. They had a list of possible suspects, but before I could scroll down to them, Kirishima was tapping on the window.

He jabbed his thumb over his shoulder at the house and mouthed something. I raised an eyebrow.

I leaned over and opened the car door. "Come inside, they've got drinks and stuff." He said.

I growled a little. "I don't wanna fucking drink right now."

"Come on, it'll be a welcome distraction." He suggested. A part of me wanted to punch him for saying that, but I could use a drink.

"Fine." I agreed reluctantly and got out of the car. We walked up to the house and went inside.

The others were talking eagerly, holding cups of who-knows-what, but they went silent when they saw me.

"Bakugo..." Sero said as I sat down at the table, grabbed one of the thick glass bottles and poured the sour-smelling brown liquid into my cup. I downed half of it and then gasped at how strong it was.

Mina winced but then giggled. "Guess I don't need to convince you to do anything."

I ignored her and emptied the cup. I felt like throwing up as I felt it hit my stomach. Disgusting, I don't know why people like this stuff. It made my brain a little fuzzy, and the sadness wavered. It was doing something for me.

That's the only reason I refilled the cup, and drank over and over until there was a buzz in my chest and I was smiling a little.

Kaminari and Sero were in the corner, they were always all over each other.

Mina and Kirishima were talking to me at least, though I wasn't a hundred percent sure what was going on.

"Bakugo, have you ever wondered how Toru got into UA?" Mina asked, pursing her lips and pouting. "I mean, I love her to death, but she's invisible."

"Yeah, think she cheated the system?" I laughed.

"Probably like Deku did." Kirishima mumbled.

"What did you say?"

"Nothing...it's just that, he only took down one robot and saved one person, and yet just because he has it in with All Might he automatically gets into UA."

Had this been bothering him? Is this something he wanted to say for a long time?

"He made it in because of his skills." I stated, drinking again.

"Yeah? He breaks his arms at every movement, like he's never trained. You, me, Mina, all of us put in hours to get where we are. And he just showed up expecting to master it right away."

I bit my lip. "I don't-"

"And despite the fact you usually hate him, all of a sudden you two make out or something and you're best friends?" He growled.

I set my cup on the table harshly.

"Are you using him? Like, are you two hooking up, or is he using you?" Kirishima tilted his head and smirked at me. "You know you deserve better."

"I don't fucking deserve better. He's the best I can ever do. He's too good for me." I was trying so hard to stay calm.

Kirishima suddenly had lunged forward and grabbed my shirt in his hand.

"Hah-?" I gasped for a split second.

His lips slammed against mine and his hands slid up on my neck, holding me close.

I was too shocked to move, the alcohol wore off in a snap, but I was frozen in place, his mouth still against mine.

Mina gasped and grinned, taking a picture. "Oh my god, ship!"

She obviously hadn't been listening.

After a few seconds my hands ciuld move again and I pried him off of me. I wanted to yell but the alcohol had made me so tired, and I was just in shock.

I stormed out to go to the car, before realizing I would have to ride home with Kirishima.

Fucking hell!

I slammed my fist into the side of his car, then began heading down the sidewalk to the nearest bus station.

I couldn't drive, and I couldn't think well enough to call a taxi.

Kirishima, you're a fucking moron. When I get out of this drunken stupor I'm gonna beat your ass for saying stupid shit like that about Deku. And for kissing me.


It was unfortunate that when I woke up the next morning, all I had was a pounding headache, and no idea of what happened the night before.

I love Kiri, but in this AU I'm gonna hate him. He'll cause some more trouble later on. But one of the best parts is coming up lol

Comment and stuff, tell me what you think!

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