31 - You're fucking stupid

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Bakugo POV

I blinked.

My hands were shaking.

"You fucking idiot!" I snapped, crying and smiling at rhe same time. "I've been bawling my eyes out for the past few weeks and you can't even let me have a little bit of relief?! Fuck, I missed you."

I grabbed him and pulled him against me, hugging him tightly. My shirt was immediately soaked with his tears, and my hands tangled themselves in his soft green hair.

He was crying too, grabbing at my shirt, tugging at the fabric with his slender fingers. I pulled him harder against me and nuzzled his face into my neck.

"I swear you'll regret it if you ever do something like that again." I growled as I began stroking his hair softly.

He held onto me and pulled himself up on my lap. His crying softened to sniffling and making choked sounds in the back of his throat.

Silent tears still slid down my face. I began trying to dry his face in a futile attempt, as his crying continued.

"I can't believe you're finally awake." I muttered into his ear, letting his hair softly brush against my nose as I spoke. He smelled like soap and slight sweat, his skin was soft and pale.

I began kissing each of his freckles on his neck softly, pausing when he shivered. I tilted my head up and his face was bright red.

"You ok there?" I teased, letting him go completely red before I stopped kissing him.

"It's just really cold in here." He noted, and I saw that the window was open. A soft breeze rustled the blinds slightly, and then I could feel the cold against my cheek. He was still wearing only a thin hospital gown, and I could feel his frail body shaking underneath my touch.

The thin hospital blanket had little effect, and he was already slightly weak from not having much food. Of course they fed him, but he had lost a lot of weight and muscle. Despite him waking up, his full recovery would take much longer.

I slid my own jacket off my shoulders and draped it over him, pulling the hood over his head to keep his neck warm.

He smiled shyly, covering up his arms with the sides of the coat. I caught a glimpse of his wrapped up arms before they were covered.

His mom came back, and stood smiling in the doorway.

"Bakugo, can I have a minute with my son?" She asked simply, but it was more of an order than a question. I nodded quickly and grabbed his face, giving him a soft kiss on the forehead.

He whined just loud enough for me to hear, and I pulled my jacket tighter around him, letting my head fall next to his ear.

"I'll come back later, love." I mumbled with my nose nestled in his hair. I left the room without any questions, staring at the ground.


My stomach began rumbling as soon as the smell of cafeteria food hit my nose. It didn't smell particularly appetizing, but I hadn't eaten for nearly five hours, so it might as well have been the best meal in the world.

The sandwich I got tasted awful and bland, but I was too sleep-deprived to drive anywhere.

Besides the sandwich I had a cup of watery iced tea. I sipped it while staring out the window. Bright sunlight streamed through the glass, causing me to have to squint my eyes.

My phone buzzed. I tapped on the screen until it turned on. There was a message from Uraraka.

I wanted to come to visit Deku today, but I had to deal with some personal issues. Anything new happen?

You Idiot | Bakudeku/Suicidal Deku Where stories live. Discover now