39 - Something weird

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Bakugo POV

I think I scared everybody on the bus I rode on, my eyes flaring with anger and a furious aura radiating and causing a little kid with short pink hair to take a step back.

I glared at him and rolled my eyes. My mind was going haywire trying to figure out who to talk to first.

A part of my mind debated that I should go back to apologize to Deku before I did anything, but it would be so out of the way, and I was already ten minutes away from UA.

I ran a hand through my hair and yanked a little in frustration at the slow moving vehicle.

Not like there was really anything I could do. I just had to sit there and wait.


They had all grouped together like the perfect prey for me in Mina's room, and looked up in slight panic as the door slammed against the wall and my eyes raked over all of them.

Mina bit her lip and pressed her phone against her mouth in concern. She was holding onto it for dear life, and also like she was scared I would blow it up with my eyes.

She wasn't exactly wrong.

"You know why I'm fucking here." I snapped, and realized I didn't see a certain spiky-haired redhead.

"Where the hell is Kirishima?" I clenched my fists.

Mina bit her lip nervously. "I'm not sure. I went to tell him that you were coming over but before I could say anything he told me he had to go out and do something, and then left."

"So you're sure he didn't leave because he knew I was coming?"

She shrugged. "I didn't say anything, so unless you texted him he was completely unaware."

"Damn it." I spat.

"I'm assuming you told Dunce-face and Soysauce what happened."

"I told them that you wanted to see us about some picture, but I don't know what picture you're talking about." She sounded genuinely confused.

"You took it, I clearly remember, how can you not?" I growled.

"I really don't know which picture you're talking about!" She said desperately, holding her phone out to me.

"There was a picture I was sent, a picture of me and Kirishima at our little party that night...kissing." I stared at the floor as they gaped. I sat down on her pink bed and glared.

"I didn't know you two were together, or that you were gay, Bakugo." Sero noted. He was sitting on a small pile of Mina's lavender, pink, and magenta pillows, one arm around Kaminari. Kaminari was biting his lip and staring at the wall, obviously confused.

"I'm not-"

Not what? Not dating Kirishima? Not gay? I obviously loved and was attracted to Deku, but did that make me gay?

It really didn't make it so I didn't like girls.

"I'm bisexual, I guess." I really wasn't sure. "Me and Kirishima aren't dating, we never have been."

"Oh. Then why did you kiss?"

"He kissed me. I'm not sure why but he did, and you," I jabbed a finger at Mina. "You took a picture of it, and somehow it ended up being sent to me."

"But I didn't send it!" She desperately scrolled through her camera roll.

"But you're the only one who would have had it." I growled, tucking my head under my hands and pressed my forehead against my knees.

"Well, me and Sero couldn't have taken any pictures. We were both on the couch, he left his phone in the car, and mine is broken." Kaminari pointed out.

"Is there any chance that someone could have taken your phone?"

"I-I don't think so." She stuttered. "I almost always have it on me, I rarely even leave it in my dorm room."

She set her phone face down on her bed. "Can I see the picture if that's ok. It could be photoshopped."

"I remember it happening, so it can't be fake." I shook my head, unlocking and handing her my phone, it was already on the picture. She looked at it for a few seconds.

"This is definitely the night of the party." She nodded.

"But you don't remember, and didn't send it." I sighed. Yes, there was a chance she was lying, but she didn't really have to reason to. She didn't have any vendetta against me or Kirishima as far as I know.

The only possible answer is that at one point Mina was forced to leave her phone alone, and they somehow gained a copy of it.

I'm not sure why they sent it to me. Maybe the think that it'll mess with me and distract me with something, maybe it was Kirishima, and he wanted to show me in the hopes of gaining something.

He wasn't here, and it obviously led me away from the hospital. Maybe that was their target...

"I need to go." I said, my hands shaking a little. "We aren't done here, but I need to go back."

Kaminari looked at me in confusion.

"I thought we were trying to figure out about the picture?"


I was trembling as I left the building and called up a taxi.

I know I only just got here, but if I have a bad feeling that Deku is hurt, or he's going to be.


There was yelling from inside the room, and through the small window I could see Kirishima standing in front of Deku, yelling.

I could hear some things that he was saying, and I desperately attempted to open the door. The knob was jammed, so I ended up blowing it up.

"-You actually so weak that you can't fucking take a few words of criticism?"

Anger boiled up in my chest and I stepped forward. Deku glanced up at me, he had a hand on his chest and was breathing heavily, obviously in the middle of an anxiety attack.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP, GET THE HELL OUT OF HIS ROOM!" I yelled, reeling my fist back to knock Kirishima out.

Sorry this chapter kinda sucks. But ya'll get two today so don't worry ;)

Baku has a knife 🔪 as well, anyone who wants to stab anybody can go with him ^~^

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