FBI (Winchester Brothers x Reader)

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A darken soul can abandon hope, when no one's left to care. Her broken gaze, is like a maze. Though filled with tons despair. Her smile wide, her eyes may shine. But deep inside that smile be shattered-with the mirror below her feet. A darken soul can easily give up hope, and push everyone away. My eyes are dark, my teeth are sharp. But who's to say I'm Okay?

(Yes I made that up, up there. I'm not sure how. >.<)

My pencil wrote as fast as it could, a cramp had begAn to form in my hand. Roughly I had been writing for the last two hours. It couldn't have been any longer. Even if it was the last time I checked outside it was light but now it's nighttime. My father had left the house leaving me all alone in an empty vessel. I threw my legs off the bed heading downstairs. I was in the kitchen when I heard a knock at the door--I hesitated before answering it. Knowing damn well it could be the homeless man living in the barn.

Only it wasn't not homeless man. It was two men dressed in sharp looking suits. One was a little taller than the other and had longer darker hair. They both shot me smiled pulling out their badges to show they were FBI. "I'm agent Gabriel and this is my Partner Collins, may we ask you a couple questions about your mother who disappeared a couple years back?" The taller one asked while shoving his badge in his suit. I frowned leaning against the door.

"What do you want to know?" I asked crossing my arms, squinting at them with my (e/c) eyes. Knowing something was off about them. "And she didn't disappear. She was murdered. The police were too stupid to do anything about it so my father took care of it." Agent Collins--the shorter one-- glanced at his partner stepping up he cleared his throat.

"What exactly did your father do?" The male asked, his tone was apologetic. I frowned--I didn't like it when people took pity over something so stupid.

"Don't look at me like that, okay? You don't have to feel sorry for me. She got what was coming to her. After all she wasn't even human." I snapped at him making him shuffle and stare at me. I was expecting him and Giantor to drag me off but they made no move. "You aren't FBI are you? You're what my father is, aren't you? Well if you're here to kill me then go ahead. Monsters are monsters." I huffed spinning around on my feet.

"Wait, wait, wait no one is killing anyone. Did you know what your mother was? Or where your father is now?" Agent Gabriel inquired stepping into the house; he looked around at all the photos and books stacked up.

"He's at the bar. He captures different beings there. They're always looking for someone to snack on. And what mother was, she was a monster. She was a demon."

"Wow. Unexpected turn, just like that one kid..."
The shorter one said making the taller male elbow him in the side. They both cleared their throats.

"Well (Y/N), there is really no point in waiting around here. Why don't you come with my par--brother and I to grab a few drinks and catch your father?"

"Like a date?"

"If you're saying its a date I won't mind." The shorter one grinned eyeing me. I snorted grabbing my jacket I headed out the door with them in hopes of catching my father.

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