Nobody's Hero (Sam x HurtReader)

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It was a simple hunt-find the Windego and take him out. When Dean was taken out easily and dragged off I turned to Sam for help. He'd always help me-no matter what. For the months we've been hunting together I've kinda grown attached to the young Winchester. But who knows how he feels about me, it doesn't matter when his older brother is missing. Trees swayed in the wind-it was about 5 in the afternoon. Two hours to find and torch this sucker.

My grip tightened around the torch-of course they trusted me with a weapon. Dean was supposed to be the bait because he didn't want me to get hurt or his little brother. I glanced back at Sam, that gave the creature enough time to swipe Dean's legs out from under him. He landed on his back with a groan. "Son of a bitch...." Dean croaked sitting up; his jacket smeared in mud. A couple leaves stuck in his hair. I eyed the bushes which shuffled and shook. A quick movement from my left caught my attention but it was too late. My hand slipped off the torch; a sharp pain shot through my stomach. It's ugly face stared down at me.

The muddy ground jumped towards the back of my head. Consuming what light was left, "(Y/N)!!!!" Sam's worried yell floated into my ears just as darkness engulfed my vision.


Groaning I flipped my legs over the bed, how long was I out? Where am I? Glancing around the room I noted it was the same old ugly motel. Sam came out of the bathroom with a toothbrush hanging out of his mouth, "Where's Dean? Is he okay?" I immediately asked.

"He went after the Windego after you were knocked unconscious." Sam replied, I grabbed a handful of the light gray comforter getting to my feet. My legs buckled and I fell to the ground. The young Winchester rushed to my side worried. "(Y/N), you have to lay down and rest. You were pretty banged up." His brown eyes flashed with concern.

"It hurts....." I moaned throwing my head back, sitting between two motel beds was never the way to spend your day. Sam smiled.

"Here let me help you." I wrapped my arms around his neck as he hoisted me up off the ground. Gently placing me on the soft bed. "Don't be trying to get up anymore, (Y/N). I don't want you hurting yourself." He told me, he reached across his bed grabbing something on the floor.

"Sam, why didn't you go with Dean? He might need your help." I asked, he placed the plastic bottle on the stand beside me.

"I wanted to stay here and watch over you." He replied, an awkward silence rushed between us. I lowered my head blushing a light red, "He got your stomach. I had to stitch it up." A warm smile crossed my face.

"Thanks, Sammy. I-" He leaned forward pressing a finger against my lips.

"(Y/N), you do realize when you were out you were talking. You said some things." I gripped the blanket tighter avoiding eye contact, "And..I love you too." He replaced his finger with his lips, deepening the kiss softly. I ran a hand through his long dark hair.

"I never thought my caretaker would lie just to stay here with me." He smiled warmly.

"Dean can handle himself, what's the point of going with him if you're here all alone and hurt."

(Thanks for reading, this was another request. I hope I did well at what you wanted. Requests are still open. Please vote/comment! Appetite it!!)

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