Blood [Castiel x Reader] Requested

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Dean let out a soft exhale as he threw his feet up on the table, chewing loudly taking another bite of his sandwich. "A vamp, you think? I mean I'm not a rocket scientist or anything but the victims blood was drained from his body. Maybe it's a gay vampire." He snorted in much amusement, cracking a smirk over at Sam. Sam simply rolled his eyes scrolling through the webpage, ignoring most of what his brother said, or he tried to anyways.

"Dude..there's nothing wrong with being gay. At some point in your life you have a gay moment. Or moments." Sam spoke up, never taking his eyes off of the lit up screen. Dean leaned forward taking his feet off the desk, an eyebrow arching.

"Have you heard from [Y/N]? Or is she still MIA?"

"She's still off the grid. Wherever she ran off to I hope she's safe. Cas hasn't been picking up either. Hopefully they've found one another. With out luck she may be held up somewhere. But, hey, let's get packing up. Off to Virginia we go."


It took one swing of the machete to behead the vampire, his name was Mark Pellegro. A small time vampire who came from a big nest, three weeks I had been working this case. All by myself, no help from the brothers or the angel. I wiped my face off taking a deep breath my shoulders slumping. "Ah shit." I groaned wiping off the sharp stained blade onto my pants, turning around making my way out of the parking lot. As I made my way to my car something dark caught my eye, it flickered behind me then to the side. "I know—" A sharp pain went though my back and I fell to the ground, darkness consuming my vision.



"She's a tiny one, Red, what are we going to do with her?" A deep voice spoke up.

"We could just kill her, would be better than starving." A smaller voice piped up, maybe a newly turned preteen or teenager.

"No, we're keeping her alive. Turning her would be the best option. That is final," Red spoke up, asserting his dominance, walking over to me. I lifted my head up looking around the dark house, eyes skimming across the dark figures. I knew they were vampires. They always had to be vampires. "You're awake, little hunter. My name is—"

"Red.." I groaned out, "Yeah I heard, you're the leader of the asshole clan. Nice to meet you." He walked over grabbing me by my jaw giving it a painful squeeze, in result I spit in his face. Lifting his hand he backhanded me once.

"Feisty one. They're always so lively when they first turn. You're the hunter who killed my cousins Reggie. He was a nice boy, you know that? And I found his body on one end of the parking lot being eaten by dog and his head across from him, being pecked at by a crow. What better to repay me than being turned?" He flashed me a wicked grin, lifting his wrist up to his mouth biting down hard. I watched as dark liquid flowed from the wound, running down his forearm and dripping to the floor. "Stay still, girlie." I turned my head away clamping my mouth shut. "Eric get your ass over here." Another vamp walked over holding my nose shut, my lungs began to burn after a few minutes. Feeling like flames were lit in them, I had to. I had to open my mouth. I opened my mouth only for a few seconds, that was all it took for Red to shove his wounded wrist into my mouth. Holding it there as the warm thick liquid rushed into my mouth. I made sure not to swallow any of it.

Red stepped back with a cocky grin, "You don't swallow, princess? Swallow for me." I made a disgusted look turning my gaze away. The front two doors opened, all that happened next was chaos. Vampires going feral and trying to kill whoever was coming in to wipe them out.

"Girlie." Dean scoffed, half amused, a chuckle leaving his lips swinging the machete over his shoulder. Clicking his tongue as he looked you over. I was expecting Sam to rush over and help me, only he was wrestling with a female vamp.

"[Y/N]? Are you alright?" My eyes widen, "I have been trying to find you. It's difficult when you have hex bags everywhere." The angel spoke up undoing the chains letting me down. I smiled at Castiel spitting the blood onto the floor. He kneeled down rubbing my wrists.

"I'm okay, Castiel. It's just a small scratch. My head is hurting a lot more." He brushed my hair out of my face looking over my face with his blue eyes, they were like crystals. So beautiful.

"Going on a hunt alone is dangerous, [Y/N]."

I sighed, "I know." He ran his thumb across my bottom lip wiping what blood off he could, leaning in pressing his soft lips to my own. My hands trailed up his chest resting on his shoulders kissing him back, across the room I heard Dean give a wolf whistle.

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