Sam x Werewolf Reader (REQUESTED)

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Everyone has that certain point in their life when they want to give up, just throw everything away. Push everything aside and just lie there waiting for whatever's coming at you and just take it. Most people call it a mid-life-crisis; I call it an everyday thing. Wanting to give up and put everything down. But how do you give up when you haven't even tried? I tell you one thing, don't trust those closet to you if they've deceived you once. Trick me once, shame on you. Trick me twice, it won't happen again.

My father, a scientist working for the government, worked in the experimentation department. Always dissecting things; poking them with sticks and gouging out their eyes for perfumes and things like that. Once a year they have a bring your daughter to work day, in this case he brought me. For once, over the past several years I tried to get him to take me but he never would. He kept saying it was too dangerous. That something could happen. Well, he finally decided to. After giving me a short tour of the department, he took me to where they held the animals/whatever they experimented on room. A lot of the experiments were done on animals such as monkeys, dogs and other things like that. But as I walked farther down the hall, it got more terrifying. People, or not so much people, caged up in small tiny boxes. A lot of them kept their head down, mumbling to them self. I kept walking, at the end of the hall there was one lonely cage all by itself. I approached it. Inside there was a small girl with medium brown hair, her hands intwined with another. She slowly brought her gaze up from the metal floor. "Y-You shouldn't have came," Her words crumbled like dust in the wind. I kneeled down in front of her, my hands wrapped around the thin bars of the cage.

"What have they done to you? I'll go get-" I began but she reached out and snatched me by the collar of my shirt. Shaking me enough to get my attention. Her nails dug into my flesh, tearing it like paper.

"Don't you see? There is no way of help. You need to get out of here now!" She hissed shoving me away. I caught my balance before I fell off, my neck was bleeding where her nails got me. Her dark chocolate brown eyes fused into something inhuman, almost animal. They flashed from brown to a glowing yellow then back to brown. I stumbled backwards down the hall, rushing out of the room, and hurried outside back to my father's truck.

•••••••••••••••2 Days Later•••••••••••••••

Two days past since the whole girl in a cage thing. Her perching yellow eyes didn't leave my head. They were glued to the back of my head. Though that was still going on I continued everything like a normal person I was. Only ever since that encounter I didn't feel normal. After I got home that day I patched up my wounds on my neck, brushing it off like it was nothing. Which it was to me that is. 'Did you make sure none of the experiments touched you?' Father asked with a concerned look upon his face. I rolled my eyes sliding the plates off the table and sighed.

'They didn't touch me,' I lied, throwing the glass plates in the sink. He nodded chewing the last bit of steak and headed upstairs. I took a seat on the couch, flipping through channels that had nothing on whatsoever. I wasn't tired three hours later. The clock struck 11. I sighed climbing up off the couch, quietly throwing on my jacket I decided to go for a walk.

What cars were out were the old weird looking ones, or the usual late racers. I shoved my palms in my coat pockets continuing to tread down the never ending sidewalk. A hand grabbed my shoulder, gripping my wrist they pulled me around into a dark alley. Their warm breath made my nose wrinkle. "Let go of me," I growled, they chuckled.

"Or what you gonna call your paps?" They smirked, leaning in, and began kissing down my neck. I don't know what came over me. Something inside snapped. But of course when you snap I'm pretty sure you can't hear someone's heart beating, and it's not your heart. I dug my nails into the attacker's wrist, making him cry out in pain, his eyes flickered up to mine. Fear filled his face. "W-W-What the hell are y-" I cut him off jerking his head up to mine.

"You leave me the hell alone or I'll paint the street with your blood. You got that?" I threatened, he nodded quickly, I shoved him away watching him run off. A lump formed in my throat. What the hell was that? I slid down the brick wall.

"Was that man bothering you?" A cocky voice came from the entrance of the alley. My head snapped up, meeting a male wearing a leather jacket, a cocky smirk laid upon his lips. He raised an eyebrow, "I saw what you did and-"

"It was an accident." I interrupted, climbing to my feet, his emerald eyes met mine. That thin smirk never leaving his face.

"You know," He stepped closer, "The last time I checked people don't have yellow eyes. Care explaining that to me?" I stepped back, pressing my back against the wall.

"Leave the poor girl alone, Dean. Don't you think she's been through enough." Another voice pipped in. The leather jacket wearing male sighed.

"Awww come on Sammy I'm only trying to figure out who did this to her. Relax." A taller male entered the alley, he wore a plaid shirt, torn up jeans and held a gun in his hand. He threw it to 'Dean'.

"No Dean, besides the last person you interrogated didn't go so well."

"Well how's I supposed to know he surrounded the place!!" Dean crossed his arms childishly, putting a pouting look on. "Fine, get 'em tiger." He winked patting the taller male on the back.

"Yeah sure.." He rolled his dark eyes approaching me, "My name is Sam, what's your name?" He smiled warmly extending a hand. I shook his hand.

"I'm (Y/N), is that Dean guy a friend of yours?" I asked slightly interested.

"He's my brother, older brother to be exact. Anyways, my brother and I are here to help-" I cut him off upon hearing the words help.

"At my father's work place, they're experimenting on humans and I don't even know what she was....." I trailed off frowning. Sam shifted his eyes landing back on me.

"Did she have yellow eyes, sharp teeth and claws?"

"She had yellowish yells and claws. I'm not sure about the teeth..." I replied. He nodded helping me up.

"Werewolf?" Dean piped in happily. He exchanged looks between me and his brother. I raised an eyebrow stepping forward.

"Werewolf? You mean humans that are-"

"Genetically enhanced with the ability to have wolf like characteristics." Sam finished, Dean stuck his bottom lip out like he was surprised at all the science terms. He patted my back. "You were turned into one, by whoever that girl was." Sam frowned. I shook my head.

"All I did was talk to her! I didn't even....she scratched me....." I mumbled. Sam shifted, he pulled me into a hug.

"Look we can help, we can stop this from ever happening again. All you have to do is trust us."

"I trust you." I faintly smiled, gazing up at the two boys.

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