Gummy Bears (Sam x Reader)

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I threw the discolored duffle bag over my shoulder, sighing, slamming the trunk of the Impala. Dean would've shot daggers at me if he were out here. In this case he was in the shower, Sam and I were supposed to go on a vamp hunt together. As long as we take care of it and no one else gets hurt I'm all in. Sam motioned for me to throw him the bag, I told him to hold on-giving me enough time to search through the junk I had. I pulled out a small pocket knife and a bag of gummy bears. What? I hadn't eaten in a couple hours. Can't hunt on an empty stomach.

"Gummy bears?" Sam inquired, throwing himself in the driver's seat. I threw another candy into my mouth; smiling.

"What I haven't ate."

"We're on a hunt."

"And you're supposed to be driving," I snapped back; he rolled his eyes starting the car. For most of the time it was a smooth ride going with the Winchesters. The other times aren't so smooth. Dean either messing up in some way that puts our lives on the line, stupid gods trying to put you on trial. Then the occasional vamp nest, and werewolf problems. But geez did you really have to freaking put everyone in danger. Well I couldn't really say anything because of the last hunt.

"Could you be a little more-"

"Shut up Sam." I groaned throwing myself back, hard, into the car seat, then turned up the radio. LOUD. He glared turning his attention back to the road. He continued driving down the road in silence, staring out the window with a blank expression on his face. Ten minutes into the not-so-entertaining-ride I finally nudged his shoulder giving him a concerned look. He raised an eyebrow, brushing it off like any winchester would. "Come on, Sam. You and Dean got into another fight. I could hear you. Half the town could hear you. He'll probably crowley could hear you." I crossed my arms, giving him one of my infamous looks.

Sam sighed, "You know (Y/N) it's fine, really it is. It's just something stupid. As always." He rolled his eyes once more, glancing over at me. His dark eyes lighting up from the street lights.

"Alright well then why don't we talk about it?" I tilted my head, throwing another gummy bear into my mouth. Toying with another one before looking back to the Youngest Winchester. He pulled the car into a parking lot, throwing it in park. "I'm guessing you want to talk about it, honestly I thought you were gonna shove it away along with the rest of the crap you two hide." I squished the red gummy bear between my pointer finger and thumb, focusing my attention on it. Hoping he wouldn't notice the faint blush crossing my face.

Sam chuckled, plucking the delicious treat from between my fingers and promptly threw it in his mouth. "You do realize eating nothing but sweets is unhealthy for you."

I shrugged, "So? It's my body, If I wanna eat a whole bag of gummy bears then I damn will. Why do you care so much?" My (e/c) eyes moved to him. I threw another gummy bear in my mouth.

"(Y/N)....." He sighed frowning, it was like my words had upset him in some way. "The fight Dean and I had...." He trailed off looking down.

"Yeah?" I stopped chewing, swallowing the gummy bear in my mouth and setting the bag down on the seat. Sam shifted uncomfortably; leaning towards the car door. Like he was going to jump out at any second.

"Nevermind....forget it."

I shook my head snatching the bag of gummy bears back up, "Fine, I'll just eat this whole bag." I humped shoving a couple of the sweet treats into my mouth. Chewing them loudly. Sam snapped his head in my direction grabbing the bag out of my grip.


"Good!" I growled snatching them back, glaring at him.

"(Y/N)! The fight was about you! I love you!" Sam exclaimed, sudden silence falling between us. I felt my face grow hot in embarrassment. Dropping the bag of treats I mumbled a soft 'oh'. "I care about you. Seeing you eating like this only makes me worry. With a job like we have...."

"I-I see....Sam....I get what you mean. A-And to tell you the truth...I love y-you...." I leaned over pressing my lips into his, his arms linking around my waist. Pulling me over into his lap.

"Great, now Dean will stop picking on me." Sam smirked breaking the kiss, I chuckled.

"He better or I'll hide the keys to baby." The winchester only chuckled kissing me softly in reply.


Finally updated. ^_^ Yay!

Sorry I haven't updated my Fanfics in a while. I have been having medical issues. I was in the hospital because of my diabetes. Almost in a coma. So I will try to update my fanfics. Again I am sorry.

Thank you for all the votes and thanks for reading everyone! :D

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