Taking On The Beast (Castiel x Werewolf Reader) REQUESTED

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I wasn't like everyone else, different. Different in inhuman ways. The way I acted, the way I could hear things regular people couldn't. The way my eyes changed. Basically, the way I changed. You know how girls can fantasize about guys turning into werewolves, with their hair flowing in the wind. Well that's bull crap. The werewolves I know would tear your face off before you have time to fangirl. Other supernatural beings are real also such as: Vampires, Demons, Vengeful Spirits, Windegos, and so on.

Vampires, not the ones that sparkle, these ones will rip your throat out without hesitation. Their blood has to enter a wound to turn you into the creature they are. It's horrible really, my brother Mike was turned into one a few months back; he wasn't paying attention while on a trip with his friends and well you know the rest.

For the last couple weeks there has been a Shapehifter problem, it keeps getting closer and closer to the school. And my house. I've noted that it mostly likes vulnerable girls with a cocky attitude.

Trees danced in the wind, the sky shifted from an ugly grey to a beautiful blue. I stepped my way through the woods, lifting my head. He was around here somewhere. Or ermmm he or her. Angela was missing from my 6th period social studies class. She's probably dead somewhere, and the SS most likely took her form. Which sucks cause now the police are out patrolling my land, saying they had to.

To my left a large river cut my land in half, occasionally you would see a deer or a small bear. But to my right was an old abandon shack. It belonged to my grandfather-he would come out here and make moonshine. Ugh. After he passed no one came out here anymore. Not even I. I pushed my way through a brush pile to the abandon broken shack. Using my foot I kicked the front door open-breaking it completely off the hinges. "Wow..." I breathed, coughing.

A flash of dark brown crossed the floor in the closet. Narrowing my (e/c) I cautiously walked over to the closet yanking the door open. The wall had been chewed through by animals, maybe a raccoon? But that wasn't a raccoon that I saw. Shrugging I turned around carelessly swinging my arms. "(Y/N)..." A voice hissed, a shiver traveled through my spine. The monster inside jerked awake-with every sense at its high. A animalistic growl made it's way up my throat.

"Who's there?" I snapped, grinding my teeth. A mouse scurried across the floor boards. Carefully, I walked back out into the making area skimming outside.

"Hello? Anyone?" It was a different voice, sounded rougher. Like a older male. I pressed my back against the creaking wall.

"(Y/N)...." The voice hissed again-my head wiped around to my left. It was Angela only at the same time it wasn't her. It was the ShapeShifter. Clenching a fist I lashed my arm out at her.

"You killed him...you bastard..." The sentence started out as a growl, ending in a complete snarl. A thin smirk painted on her features.

"But he was the one that attacked me, I was only trying to protect myself." Silver. Damn, I couldn't use it either. I backed away reaching for a broken piece of wood. She tilted her head throwing something at me that was in her palm. I yelped loudly falling out the door; landing hard on my back. Her brown eyes flashed. My head spun, her eyes widen. But quickly resided back the way they were. "So a higher rank werewolf? What are you gonna do, claw me to death?" Angela chuckled, her left hand was filled with a short weird looking blade. My large ears flattened back-crouching down ready to attack.

From the corner of my eye, a trench coat blue eyed male stood at the entrance of the brush pile. He wasn't stunned or shocked to say the least. To be honest he looked complete calm. Even the Shifter was sidetracked by the unknown male. I tore my eyes away from the male launching myself at the fake girl. She pressed the sideways blade into my mouth keeping me from tearing her face off. "You stupid mutt!! I always knew there was something off about you, (Y/N)." She pushed harder, I jumped off her.

"You have my blade." The male appeared in front of me-for a second I was stunned. Angela chuckled.

"Finders keepers." She smiled warmly swinging the blade at him. Easily he grabbed her wrist turning her in a complete 180. He then snatched the blade from her grip and stabbed her in the chest. I backed away, turning around and rushed through the bushes.

I took a deep breath running a hand through my (h/c) hair. Okay who the hell was he? And why didn't he kill me? His eyes were beautiful. "I'm sorry I startled you." His voice floated to my ears-I jumped up from my bed.

"How the hell did you get in here?" I demanded, he blinked calmly.

"You're a werewolf." He said approaching me, he tilted his head his face inches from mine. A slight blush crossed my face. No, (Y/N) he just broke into your house without a sound. "Do you mind me asking, why were you hunting a shape shifter?" His blue eyes sparkled brightly.

"She killed my grandfather." I growled crossing my arms.

"I'm sorry." His voice was soft. I forced a smile looking back up at him. He curiously picked up a strand of my hair, I watched him wrapping my hand around his wrist. Still no reaction. I leaned closer in, pressing my lips against his. He retuned the kiss, "I learned that from the pizza man."
I snickered my face a deep red.

"Hey do you mind staying here,.....ummm?"

"Castiel, Angel of The Lord."

(Here's another one that was requested. It's rushed I'm sorry if it's not that well written! Please vote and/or comment. Wouldn't mind more requests either since I have no life)

Supernatural X Reader (REQUESTS CLOSED FOR NOW)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें