Saving A Trickster (Sabriel) REQUESTED

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Gabriel spun the blade in his hand, taking a deep breath, he was ready. He was going to take on his brother-Lucifer. From the corner of his eye he watched the Winchester's run to safety. Dean rushed out the doors, with the woman Gabriel gladly saved. The Arch-Angel waited for Sam to go. He didn't. The Youngest Winchester instead rammed into Lucifer's side, knocking him to the ground, the devil chuckled climbing back to his feet.

"Little old Sam trying to desperately save someone he cares about," Lucifer chuckled, smirking, "The Winchesters only ever save a couple people, more like 75 percent while the other 25 die." Gabriel rolled his eyes, huffing, he spun the blade again. His brother crossed his arms, "Isn't that right Sam?" The Winchester got to his feet, and grabbed Gabriel's arm.

"Gabriel, go," Sam yelled at the Arch-Angel, Gabriel's dark eyes lit up. He snapped his fingers, immediately they were in a different setting. "What the hell was that?" Sam sat down on the motel bed, angrily.

"Sam, sacrificing yourself to save celestial being," Gabriel started, "You could've gotten yourself killed."

"I didn't," Sam replied, looking up with his brown eyes.

"I appreciate you trying to save me, kiddo," Gabriel smiled, childishly, "But it's my choice." Just as the Arch-Angel went to disappear Sam jumped to his feet.

"Wait!!" The Winchester exclaimed, he grabbed Gabriel's face and smashed his lips into the Angel's. "Don't go, you'll be killed." Gabriel slid the angel blade on the desk behind him, pulling Sam against his body. Winking he licked his lips.

"Okay, maybe I'll stay," Gabriel said, "Only if I get something in return." Sam raised an eyebrow; a pair of lips crashing into his once again. He moaned into the rich passionate kiss, Gabriel's hand making its way up his neck, caressing his long thick brown mane. "You." Gabriel answered, resting his head on Sam's, their bodies pressed against one another.

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