Candy Freak(Sabriel) REQUESTED

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(Sam's POV)

Dean and I had just gotten back from a long hard hunt, instead of it being a vamp it was just another deranged human. It amazed me how humans could do something so cruel. Tear another being's throat out, torture them, scoop their eyes out while they were still alive. How did we go from peace to war so fast? I inhaled a quick breath, setting my things on the motel bed. Dean, who walked out of the bathroom with a dark toothbrush hanging from his mouth, smiled leaning against the doorframe. Below his right eye was a small cut from the girl's razor sharp nails.

Her name was Madeline; used to go to the public school seven years ago. She was only 17 at the time, somehow when she was helping her uncle rebuild her house she was trapped in the walls. The uncle, named Albert, had no idea. He heard a thump from inside the walls, panicked and fell off his ladder. Sadly, he didn't make it. Madeline was never found. Over the years each person that moved into the lot was murdered. Everyone in the neighborhood Said it was a spirit. Dean and I came up with the idea it was. We couldn't have been more wrong.

"Hey, I'm going out want anything?" I shoved a ruin T-Shirt in Dean's duffle-bag. He shook his head, going back to the bathroom. I grabbed our extra motel key and headed out.

(Narrator's POV)

Sam strolled down the sidewalk, hands in his pockets, eyes moving around the dark atmosphere. Dean and him had stopped the girl, only to find out it was her mother that had moved in. It saddened Sam to know he had killed someone's child. Dean on the other hand didn't seem that concerned. The Winchester sighed, taking another deep breath. A popping noise echoed the empty streets. "Hello?" Sam immediately got in a fighting position, reaching for the demon blade in his pocket. "Who's there?"

Familiar chuckling made to his ears; Sam lowered the blade narrowing his dark brown eyes. "Nice to see you too, kiddo." Gabriel's voice played around him like a concert. It was like the Arch-Angel was everywhere. He snapped his head around, growing impatient. "Don't look so over joyed to see me." Sam rolled his eyes, sliding the blade back into his pocket.

"Gabriel," Sam huffed, continuing to walk though his eyes searched every corner. Looking for the certain angel.

"I'm just joking with you, Sammy." Gabriel appeared before the Winchester holding a bag of opened gummy worms. At the moment he had a red one hanging from his mouth. Something about it made Sam feel....attracted to him? "Want one?" The Arch-Angel offered, holding the bag out. Sam took the offer and grabbed a green one.

"What do you want?" Sam inquired.

"I'm just around here so I decided to visit." Gabriel replied, with a large goofy warm smile.

"Cut the crap, you're an angel you can go wherever you want." Sam clenched his jaw, sliding the green gummy worm between his lips and chewed. Gabriel shrugged, raising his hands in the air, a hand grabbed Sam's shoulder spinning him around.

"Another?" The Angel raised the bag again, Sam took another. This time it was yellow. He squished it between his fingers playing with the small squishy candy. "Yellow, those are good. As I was saying I'm just here to visit." Gabriel began walking off down the sidewalk. Dragging his feet along carelessly. Sam followed, eyebrows knitted. The way the angel acted always caught Sam's eye, his craving for candy. He smiled at the thought.

"You could've came to the motel," Sam suggested, stopping when a hand was placed against his chest.

"Not when Dean-o is there, Sammy." Gabriel smiled, his hand moved over the other male's biceps and grasped his wrists. He placed a red gummy worm on Sam's lips; the Winchester carefully slid it between his teeth staring at the angel curiously. Gabriel bit the other end, moving up towards Sam. Until he wasn't even a centimeter away, their lips met. Sam melted into the kiss, groaning into the Arch-Angel's surprisingly soft lips. Moving in sync with one another. "Your brother wouldn't exactly approve." He breathed, touching noses. He raised the bag of gummy worms once more. "Another? Or would you like to try twizzlers?"

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