Alone Time (Human Cas x Reader)

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"Then it's settled," Dean stated, "You are going on a hunt." He pointed a finger at me. We were all huddled in the bunker, Sam had his own room. I had mine own and Dean was especially happy to have his own for once. Let's not forget about Cas, he was staying here too. He's just still adjusting to not having his grace.

"Are you sure about this Dean," Sam's brown eyes tore away from me, "I mean she isn't exactly experienced."

"These sandwiches are really good, what are they called?" Cas walked in, pausing at the doorway, his cheeks filled with food. "What's going on?"

"Dean wants to send (Y/N) on a vamp case." Cas stopped chewing, lowering his arms to his side.

"Dean she is not experienced enough, she hasn't even wrapped around the fact angels are real." Cas said, "She's not going."

"What if I go along with her?" Dean pipped in.

"No," I answered quickly; earning looks from both Sam and Dean. A sigh of relief came from Cas. "I'll just stay here, you two can go."

"You sure, (Y/N). You want us to bring you back anything?"

"How about no stained clothes?" I chuckled, he smiled grabbing his coat and followed Dean. I spun around to the used to be angel; who had continued chomping down on his food. "You want anything else to eat? I'm hungry."

"No," Cas swallowed his last bite., "(YN)?"

"What is it, Cas?" I turned around; Cas's nose pressed against mine. His oceanic blue eyes staring into my (e/c) ones. "C-C-Cas...." He closed the small gap between our lips, moving his hands softly up my body. Our lips began moving in sync. It felt so right, at the same time so wrong.

"What do you call this feeling in my gut?" He asked, pulling back. I giggled, bringing a hand up to my face, turning red as an apple.

"It's called love, it means you care about someone really really much." His blue eyes narrowed, tilting his head like a confused puppy.

"I don't understand it."

"It's a normal human reaction towards someone they like, it can happen if they're close to one another. Or if they're together." I assured, grabbing his hand.

"But, I've been around you before, why would I feel this "love" now?" Cas inquired, pulling his palm from my grasp.

"Probably because we're alone. "

"(Y/N), can I do that thing where I-"

"Yes, you goofball." I snickered, it was so funny because he was clueless. Cas pushed me back into the column, pressing my back against the cold material. His lips moving roughly against mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck, digging my nails into his shoulders. He grunted, pulling away to catch his breath.

"That was amazing," He breathed.

"S-Sure was." I gasped; his hand raveled around my waist, walking back to the wooden table. He sat on top of it-pulling me onto his lap. I toyed with the collar of his dark blue shirt. His soft lips making their way down my jawline, he stopped at my neck. Kissing it like I was made of glass. His hands groped my sides, squeezing them. A slight groan escaped my lips before I could stop it, "Cas...." He immediately stopped.

"Is there something wrong?" He asked concerned.

"No," I blushed a deep form of red, "That actually felt really good." He moved, bringing us both on top of the table. Knocking over three chairs and a pile of books Sam had been reading. My hands roamed throughout his rough hair, while he ventured down my neck finding every sensitive spot he could.

"(Y/N) I love you, and I will never let anything bad happen to you." He stated, "Ever." I nodded as he dove into another long kiss.

"Hey (Y/N)! Cas we're baaaaaaaa....what the hell happened?" Dean dropped the plastic bags in his hands. Sam's face turned into his immediate 'bitch face'. As for Cas and I, Cas rose his leaned over, looking directly at Dean.

"I'm in love with (Y/N)." Cas announced.

"Yeah, Yeah, I can tell by the position you're in," Dean gestured, throwing his arms in the air. I smiled, my new found lover placed a kiss upon my lips one last time.

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