Worried About You (Sam x Werewolf reader) REQUESTED

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Hey everyone, sorry I haven't updated this in a while. I've been working on my novel which I'm currently stuck on. -_- Yay. Please check it out, it's called Stay Weird. Appreciate it a lot. Thanks for all the votes and reads!!


Your eyes tore away from the mirror, cracked and broken. Shards of it laid on the ground before you. Your knuckles smeared in blood, small pieces of the mirror sticking out. A whimper/Growl left your lips, they parted slightly. Just enough to see razor sharp teeth. Your (e/c) eyes flashed yellow, then back to (e/c). Shaking your head roughly you stumbled back; hitting something rock hard. Your eyes gazed across a shard of the mirror, "No....no..." You breathed in shock, "No!" You broke the piece angrily, then ran out of the room. It was an abandon house you ran to, not really having a choice. It followed you there. The body of a teenage boy no older than 16 laid where the living room would be. His throat torn out, his eyes were wide as gold balls. It was his fault. He turned you into this, a monster. The ones you hunted.

The thought struck you, his family. His friends, they would think a wild animal did this. They didn't even know there son was a monster. You covered your mouth, slicing your cheek open with your nails. How come you were able to control when you could turn or not? Voices echoed through the empty house; Sam? Biting your lip, you slipped through the side window, falling two stories down, landing right on top of a car. Why the hell did I do that, you thought dragging your nails across the hood of the car. Groaning you rolled over, "(Y/N)?" Sam called, concerned. The Winchester came running out of the house, a silver knife in hand. He sat it on the hood beside you, your hand slightly grazed over it. You hissed pulling you hand back.

"Don't look at me....Don't..." You whined, hiding your face behind your hands. He lowered them, his lips parted to say something but the words never came, "I'm a monster....I know...." His soft brown caring eyes met yours.

"You aren't a monster, not all things we hunt are bad." Sam told you, his hands clasped with yours. He glanced at your claws, "(Y/N), you aren't bad." A smile painted across your face, he pulled you into a hug. After a little while everything felt normal, no claws, no fangs. Nothing, you were normal again. "I was worried about you, you didn't pick up your phone. Dean doesn't know where I am."

"You were worried?" You smiled in disbelief.

"Of course I was, (Y/N). I love you." He lifted your head with a single finger, pressing his lips into yours. Your arms wrapped around his neck, smiling into the kiss. The loud ringing of Sam's phone broke you two apart.

"I love you too." Sam winked, walking around to the driver's side.

"We should get going, Dean's going to kill me."

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