Chapter 54: Wouldn't Change A Thing

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Demi Lovato Fan Fiction

Book 1: It Was A Mistake but I am Unbroken Now

Book 2: Here We Go Again When Two Worlds Collide

Book 3: Love Is Loud Enough to Stop Hate

Book 4: That's How You Know to Believe in me

Book 5: Let it Go for the Gift of a Friend

Chapter 54: Wouldn’t Change A Thing

You're the harmony to every song I sing
And I wouldn't change a thing

She's always trying to save the day
Just wanna let my music play
She's all or nothing
But my feeling's never change.

            It’s finally the last day of tour. It’s eight in the morning and everybody’s already prepared to break out into tears before the end of the day. I joined Anna on stage for sound check when our turn came and I tried my hardest to distract the people from questions about Anna’s relationship. Of course it didn’t work but I did answer the questions for her.

“What happened to Nicole?” one of the girls asked.

“That’s a good question,” I answered, “But I don’t know anyone named Nicole. Do you Anna?”

Anna smiled at me thankfully and answered, “Nope I don’t know anyone by that name either. Weird.”

“Are you single then?” someone else asked.

“I am proudly single yes,” Anna answered.

“Any music related questions?” I asked.

“Anna are you going to collaborate with anyone else on the album?”

“Just the family,” she smiled, “D, Rosily, Kay, and the rest of our team. I’ve grown to love D’s family more than anything.”

“She’s part of the family now,” I added. “Don’t get me wrong we love collaborating with other artists, but Anna chose to stay close to home for her first album.”

“That’s right,” Anna said, “They asked if I wanted to collaborate and work with other artists but it’s important to me to become my own artist alone. A big part of becoming my own artists is sticking by the people who have been there for me. D’s family helped me recover and I like to think that it’s because of them and because of D that I became who I am today. Therefore this first album is all about who I am and how I became who I am.”

            Our sound check finished shortly after that and I stayed on stage for Rosily’s sound check. We went through a couple of our songs before she paused to answer questions so I could exit the stage after the questions. Their questions changed drastically when it was Rosily and I. Their questions became all about future music hoping I will go into music soon.

“This is a popular topic,” Rosily laughed after someone asked if I could make an album. “D, I think everyone wants to hear your own music.”

I laughed, “I think you’re right. I’ve said this practically a million times. All I can tell you is that I’m not completely opposed to it. My entire family loves music and that’s the career we are known for, but I never want it to be a job. Maybe eventually I will release something for fun, but right now I can’t see myself doing anything other than that. I do have a surprise coming soon though, I promise.”

            I exited the stage when the questions were finished and went back to the dressing room where my family was hanging out waiting for their turn to enter the stage. There is one surprise the fans are going to love that we haven’t told anyone. Answering that question was the first hint we’ve given at that surprise. Mom’s been helping me write songs and during one of our writing sessions she showed me a song she wrote a long time ago directed at Uncle David. We changed the lyrics of the song and decided to sing it tonight. We wanted to thank our family instead. Mom always wanted to sing it directly to Uncle David to thank him for her intervention and for helping her recover and I feel that I need to thank my siblings too because they’re the reason I was ready to leave the sober living house.

Let it Go for the Gift of a Friend - Demi Lovato - Book 5Where stories live. Discover now