Longer Description for Book 5!

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I wasn't able to give you a longer description before because the fourth book wasn't finished, but now that it is I can tell you.


Would you let it go and get help if it meant your friend’s life? How much does friendship mean to you?

Demi Lovato’s niece, Demetria Montgomery, had a near fatal accident that almost cost her not only her life, but her best friend’s too. Demi Lovato and Kayla Dane are only witnesses this time; watching and hoping their family will make the right decision. Their story now lies in the fate of Demetria, who was named after her aunt for a reason. 

Demetria and Anna make yet another pact with each other in order to save their lives. They both need to be willing to let their old life go in order to save the gift of a friend.

Does Demetria have what it takes to rise above the stereotypes she's been put under? Will friendship rise above all? 

Friendships like this don't come along every day.


What do you want to see happen?

Let it Go for the Gift of a Friend - Demi Lovato - Book 5Where stories live. Discover now