Ch. 2-Tala Akia

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I had fun writing this chapter because it's really late and my music is playing! LOL! So please enjoy it and make sure you leave those nice comments!


Haylynn’s POV

I sat in bed miserable as I still didn’t receive any water. The servant girl kept bringing me food but at one point I couldn’t swallow. I slept all morning and woke up when the moon was high in the sky. I just didn’t know what was going on with me.

I walked to the closet to finally change out of this green dress. I put on a simple long sleeved white flowing dress that has a few flowers in white around the bust. I crawled back into bed and closed my eyes. What was Drew doing without me?

He’s probably worrying himself sick over me. My head was killing me and I’ve been cooped up in this room for two days. A few tears slipped down my face but I wiped them away when someone walked in. “Love,” Trey called out while walking into the room. I tried to bury myself further into the covers because I was freezing. “Do you have water,” I asked.

I heard a liquid being poured and I sat up. Trey was holding a silver goblet and carefully handed it to me. I drank the liquid quickly without thinking and handed the empty goblet to him for me. I watched as he slowly poured a red liquid into the goblet. Trey handed the goblet back too me and I stared at the red stuff. “What is it,” I asked as I sipped slowly taking in the flavor. It was different and warm like hot chocolate.

“Blood,” Trey said and looked at him while still sipping. I was waiting for him to laugh but when his face remained neutral I spit the liquid up. I swirled the liquid around and it was thick. I looked back at Trey and threw the liquid at his face. Trey licked his lips and pulled out a napkin.

“Would you have preferred to feed off someone,” he asked and sat next to me. “What’s wrong with you? I don’t drink blood! You said it yourself that I was human,” I said but touched my lips. The taste was something different. It wasn’t bad just…strange.

“You’re right. You are a human in this life,” he said. I looked him in the eye as he continued, “Don’t worry love everything will come to you. You are already experiencing the changes.” I looked down at my hands and they were paler. I touched my hair and it was longer. “W-what did you do to me,” I asked with a shaky voice.

“Nothing my love. Tell me how you feel. You enjoyed the blood didn’t you,” Trey asked with his eyes flashing red. “I didn’t! Just let me go home! I don’t know what you want from me,” I said tears threatening to spill. Trey touched my face with his cold fingers and grinned. “I always know when you’re lying. Don’t worry we have all the time in the world together. I won’t let you go again,” Trey said.

I got out of the bed and ran to the bathroom. I locked myself in and looked at my reflection. My eyes were darker than normal, my face was paler than usually, and as I thought my hair was a little longer but what did it mean? If I was something in my past life I couldn’t have been a vampire. If I was what does that have to do with anything now?

I tried to think. I turned on the sink and the water was dirty as usual. It was a murky color and that just screamed do not drink. I turned the water off and tried to think. I need to figure out a way to get out of here. I can’t rely on Drew forever. I slowly opened the bathroom door and Trey was gone. I breathed a little easier and slowly made my way to the bed.

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