Ch. 1-Missing

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Please don't hate this because it's bad! I know it could be alot better but I wanted to give this while I could. See I'm at my relatives and dcided to type this up! Uh...there's some stuff at the end so make sure you read that! TTYL and enjoy!


Haylynn's POV

I heard screaming. I felt the flames. I could only imagine the fear. I slowly opened my eyes to a dark room. I felt my surroundings blindly and noticed that I was in a bed still wearing my wedding dress. Where was I? I remembered being hit by a vampire on my wedding day. I sat up and felt around blindly. Just air and my arms didn't seem to be chained. That's weird.

Usually if someone kidnaps someone, they would want to keep him or her. I swung my legs over the bed and was very cautious. I tried to stand up but my head started to hurt. Maybe I was drugged. Regardless, I stood up and walked around carefully with my arms stuck out in front of me.

I felt the walls for a light switch of some kind but didn't have any luck. What type of place is this? I decided to head back to the bed when I stumbled on a door. I felt it thoroughly and it wasn't chained or anything. How stupid were my kidnappers? I I gave the door a hard pull and fell back in the process. This door must be enchanted or something. I felt the door again and it felt like wood.

I cursed silently and walked back to the bed rubbing my sore throat. I heard the door being opened with ease and saw someone holding a candle. "Up yet love," the mystery person said but I recognized the voice. "Trey stop being so sneaky and turn on the lights," I demanded. The dark was making everything seem scarier than normal.

"Of course my love," he said and lit the room by candle light apparently they were hanging from the ceiling. I sat up and saw a mirror directly in front of me. When Trey passed by the mirror I didn't see a reflection. "So you're really a vampire," I asked and he smirked. "Surprised love," he asked and I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Do you realize that you stole me from my husband on my wedding day? What's wrong with you," I asked. "I'm just crazy in love with you and I've never been good with sharing," Trey said like that solved everything. "Well Drew will be coming for me and when he does I will laugh when he kills you," I said.

"There you go. I love it when you threaten me. It means I impact your life," he said. I rolled my eyes and noticed that Trey was staring at my neck. "What," I asked. He looked me in the eyes and with a grin said, "Oh nothing." That's when I saw his fangs. They were sharp and not normal.

"Just curious but did you send those bounty hunters after me," I asked. "I've sent numerous people for the last three hundred years to look for you so it's quite possible," Trey said. "I just don't understand. The queen could just bite anyone right," I asked and Trey raised an eyebrow at me.

"Why would the queen want you? She isn't worthy of your blood," Trey said and that sent me into deeper confusion. I thought the queen wanted my blood. What did Trey mean about her not being worthy? "So you aren't going to bite me either," I asked and Trey shook his head no.

Trey walked closer to me and sat at the edge of the bed. Was he trying to play with my mind? "Not yet of course. You know that vampires are dead immortal creatures correct,
 he asked and I nodded yes. "Well we don't feel the way humans do on our own but around humans we feel a portion of what you feel. Your blood is what we crave because it's the essence of your life. We need it to survive but I won't make you an immortal yet. I want to feel everything through you," he said.

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