Ch. 14 Death and Birth

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I got some really great responses and wanted to say thanks! I'm surprised no one used my spaghetti idea!   Well here's the next part and it's dedicated to Chamzad2! I hope you enjoy it! HAHA! Couldn't stop laughing through this chapter! You'll see what I mean!


Haylynn's POV

Drew stayed in our room for an hour and I didn't want to bother him. Pheobe left because her father was calling her through the bond. When I walked by Drew's door I heard him yelling on the phone. I wasn't trying to be nosy but I listened through the door. In my defense I just want to say that I didn't want to spy on him. It was part me and part Amy that stayed behind to listen.

"What do you mean they're all dead? They can't all just be dead! Did you see the streets," Drew asked. Silence. "Yeah I'm happy that this is taken care of but this doesn't solve anything," Drew said. Silence. "Just calm the fuck down," Drew exclaimed. I started to feel bad for the person on the other line because Drew was growling.

"Are you telling me that three dozen vampires are now dead and we have no idea why," Drew asked. Silence and Drew sighed. "Just stop complaining and get it done. I have to call Brendon and check in with his pack. When I call back you better have some damn answers," Drew growled and I started to back up. If Drew caught me listening that would be very embarrassing.

"What are you doing," someone asked and I jumped. I looked back and it was Victor. "I was...checking...for my...earring. Couldn't find it so I'm going to check downstairs," I said and tried to get away. Victor grabbed my shirt and pushed me against the wall. "You have two earrings in your ear," Victor said while leaning closer  to me.

"I know. It was another pair," I said trying to press myself against the wall. I like personal space. "Does Drew know you were spying on him," Victor asked. It wouldn't be spying if that person knew I was doing that. "Does Drew know that you're pushing his mate against the wall," I asked. It sounded good in my mind but obviously Victor didn't think so.

Victor let me go regardless of how he felt and said, "Be careful. People like you can get hurt by people like us." Victor walked away and I just stared at his back. Was he always in such a bad mood? I sighed and started to walk down the hall. Is everyone in this house against me? I turned the corner and saw a little girl with long brown hair in two pig tails and brown eyes. "Hello," the girl said.

"Hi...who are you," I asked. "I could ask the same. This is my mum's house," the girl said. "Are you Raven," I asked and the girl nodded. I smiled and said, "I'm Haylynn. Do you need something?" "I'm looking for Uncle Drew," Raven said plainly. Drew was just cursing out someone over the phone so I doubt he's in the mood to see Raven. I was about to tell Raven that Drew was busy but Raven gave me a fierce look.

"You'll show me where he is won't you," Raven demanded. I smiled weakly because Raven was starting to freak me out. "He's in his room," I said and we started to walk down the hall together. "So Raven how old are you," I asked. "Eleven," she said simply. I don't think the kid likes me. Why doesn't anyone in this family like me?

I knocked on the door and Drew grunted. "Leave," he said. "Don't tell me to leave! I have a guest," I said. I looked down and Raven raised an eyebrow at me. "Who is it," Drew asked. "It's me Uncle Drew," Raven exclaimed and I heard movement in the room. Drew opened the door with a smile and hugged Raven who was giggling.

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