Ch. 4 How I fell for him. Literally...

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On the side is a pic of Hunter! For some reason I'm very tired. I feel each breath and it's difficult. I think I'm getting really sick. I don't know. My breathing isn't difficult its just remembering to breath. You know how when you think about breathing and it doesn't work automatically? Yeah....I'm really trying here so enjoy. If I made any errors please let me know.


Haylynn's POV

Class after class went by and it was getting closer to lunch. Could I really go through with this? I've never skipped anything before. I've never broken any school rules. I've never even been late! I put my bags in my locker and headed towards the girl's bathroom. What am I doing? I can't do this. He won't even do this.

I walk towards the last stall and make sure no one's in the restroom. No one's here so I go into the last stall. Maybe he's not here. I knock on the wall three times and wait. I hear three knocks and then they boy's bathroom window opens. I get on the seat and stand on my toes. I look out the window and he's standing there waiting for me. I lean back on the wall and think.

Am I ready for the consequences? What if we get caught? I could lose everything I've worked for. I get back on my toes and he smiles up at me. I open the window and reach up. I pull myself up using the little upper arm strength I have. Good thing I play volleyball. I manage to get my head out of the window and start to push. How the heck did he do this?

I look down at him and he's smiling. Show off. I try and pull my feet up but my foot slips. I'm falling towards him. He won't catch me! I close my eyes waiting for the ground. I prep for impact but to my amazement I'm not hurting. I'm still not hurting. How high is this window? I slowly open my eyes and I see Drew smiling at me.

"Is this why you don't break the rules," he asked. I smiled and he put me down. "Just come on," I said and grabbed his hand. We were running towards the forest. "Weren't you the one who said forests were dangerous and filled with bugs," he asked. "Well yeah but I have you don't I," I asked. He smiled. "You sure do." "Well you should repel whatever comes our way," I said. "So you've got jokes." I shrugged. "Why are we going through the forest anyway," he asked. "It's the fastest way to McDonalds. I have the school mapped in my head. Why are you scarred," I asked teasingly.

"I'm not the one scared of nature. Hold up there's a spider in your hair," he said. "Where!? Ahhh," I screamed and shook my head. I let go of his hand and messed up my hair. He was laughing at me and I felt so dumb. "Shut up! I'm leaving you," I said and ran towards McDonalds. He followed me and we ran together laughing.


Drew's POV

"I need a dollar double cheeseburger, fries, and small wild berry smoothie," she said. "I'll have a number 4 with fries and a large banana berry smoothie," I said. She took our orders and we stood to the side. She still looks mad from the spider thing but it was only a joke. Her hair looks a mess too but she'll always look cute. I brushed down a piece of her hair. She sighed and said, "Thanks."

"No problem. You have a weird appetite," I said. "Weird? What's weird," she asked. "You really eat." "I'm sorry. Is that a crime?" "Nope. I like a girl with appetite. It's just that some girls are so picky. They can only eat this that and the other." "And you know this how," she asked. Is she getting jealous? I shouldn't torture her anymore right now so I shrugged and said, "Sisters." She nodded and took her food. I took mine and we sat at a booth.

"So do you like to cook too," I asked. Please say yes. Please say yes. "Nope. I can't cook to save my life," she said. I smiled. "Well I guess we'll be hungry together cause I can't cook either. Well I can cook lunch but that's like sandwiches and...microwave stuff," I said. "Well I can cook breakfast. Like pancakes and muffins and bacon and eggs. That was all my mom knew how to cook. I can cook deserts too if I have an easy recipe. I also can't leave the kitchen," she said. "What do you mean you can't leave the kitchen," I asked.

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