Ch. 9 Home sweet Home

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OMG you guys! Yall are going to make me pull my hair out. I have so many new fans that I may not (or may) have said thank you too. Thanks for becoming a fan!

Also I upload 10 pages of material at least once a week for this story. Don't yall want to comment? I like comments! I like reading them and especially the long ones that reveal your reactions! I saved Haylynn you guys! Yall are making me think yall wanted her dead.

I really need to stop saying yall....

Anyways here is the next chapter. I hope you enjoy and if you do, or don't, please comment!


Hold on! A mini recap is that Haylynn, Drew, and Angelrini are in a taxi. A black car is following them and Drew's last words were, "If we go to jail, I love you."

Ring any bells? Here we go!

Haylynn's POV

Drew hit the cab driver on the head and grabbed the wheel. "Move him," Drew said and I did. I pushed the cab driver to the passenger seat and Drew hopped in the front. "They're gaining on us," Rini said.

"Don't look back," I said and pulled Rini down. "But how will we know if they are pursuing us," Rini asked. Rini's questions were answered when we heard gunshots. "That's how," I exclaimed and turned around. "Duck," I exclaimed and the window shattered. "Keep low," Drew commanded and I did.

Rini and I were on the floor and Drew was driving like a manic. "Who are they," Drew asked. If I could get a good look at a face, maybe that would help. I looked on the floor and there was a compact mirror. I picked it up and angled it.

"Bump," Drew exclaimed and that sent us flying. The mirror flew out of my hand and I was searching like crazy for it. "Here," Rini said and held it out. I grabbed it and angled it better. My eyes went wide at the discovery. "It's the guys from the plane," I said. "Who," Drew asked and swerved to the right.

"The first class people we were taking care of," I said. "I told you they were filthy creatures," Rini said. "Perverts do not kill people like this," I said and more gunshots hit the cab. "They didn't smell like you or Drew and I," Rini said. "So what are you saying," I asked.

"Did they smell like death," Drew asked. "Yes and smoke," Rini said. What the heck are they talking about? "Hold on because we have vampires on our tails," Drew said. Drew swerved and drove into some woods. The vampires behind us still didn't give up. "How are they still following us," Rini asked.

Drew swerved and sped up. "They aren't behind us," Drew said. "No they're in front," I exclaimed and Drew turned the car. Bullets hit the front mirror and the side door. "Maybe they're tracking the car," Drew said. "Why would they have to track us," I asked. "I'm just giving out ideas," Drew exclaimed and accelerated the car.

"Hold on," Drew said and the car went off a cliffy. Rini and I were screaming and I looked back. We hit the ground hard but the car kept moving. Did we survive this? The black car following us disappeared from view and I sighed in relief.

"They'll be back," Rini said. Thanks Ms. Positive. I got off the floor and sat in the seat. I looked up and the sun was setting. "Have a plan now Mr. Brentwood," I asked. "Of course Mrs. Future Brentwood," Drew said and I smiled. I looked at my engagement ring and it was still changing colors. Even though Drew and I have issues, we'll always love each other.

Drew brought the car to a stop and faced us. "We have two options," Drew said. I looked at Rini and she was staring at the cab driver. "Is he dead," Rini asked. "Nope and he won't be out long. That's why I'm leaning toward plan two," Drew said. "What's plan one," I asked. "We continue driving until we get to town and exchange cars. The only problem is that we have no idea when our little pal is waking up," Drew said. "What is your plan two," Rini asked.

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