Seungyeon-We're Not Happy Pt. 2

615 21 3

Genre : Angst (foul language present)

Song : KARD Trust Me (BM & Somin ver.)

requested by Min_HaYoungg_

third person's pov
Seungyeon laid himself on the floor and stared blankly at the ceiling. 'has she gone home?' he thought to himself. knowing Kim for such a long time , he knew she definitely isn't home. he wanted to call her but also didn't want to give her any hopes of getting back together. so , to find out where she was now , he opened up snapchat and looked at her location to see that she was at the park near the café they were at earlier. "silly girl.." Seungyeon sighed. should he look for her? it's getting late..

Kim was walking down the pathway all alone , admiring the couples that walked past her while holding hands. she knew it was no longer possible for her to do so anymore. just then , a drunk man started walking towards her. he looked middle-aged and had a beer bottle in his hand. "hey young lady , care for a drink?" he threw his body onto Kim who fell onto her left causing the man to fall on top of her. Kim pushed the guy away and stood up on her own to walk away. "oi! where are your manners?! you made me fell and now you're walking away on your own?!" he yelled. Kim wasn't in the mood to even fight back so she ignored him. seconds later , the guy pull her hair to make her face him. "i was talking to you brat! did your parents not teach you how to be polite?" he scowled. "fuck off." Kim pushed the guy away which didn't make things any better. the man raised his beer bottle and was ready to hit Kim when someone grabbed his wrist from behind and twisted it.

"and didn't your parents teach you not to lay your hands on another guy's girlfriend?"

Kim couldn't even express how happy she was to see Seungyeon. the passerbys stopped and some guys even came to pin the man on the ground before calling the police. when the police took the man away , Seungyeon walked to Kim and sighed. "what do i do with you? how late is it and you're still out here all by yourself?" Seungyeon scolded Kim. she wasn't even mad he was scolding her ; she was glad to see him once again. "look at you. you're not even mad i'm scolding you. that's the problem with our relationship. it makes me feel like the bad guy , Kim." Seungyeon said. "i-i just can't bring myself to get mad at you.." Kim started tearing up. "so if i cheated on you , will you still forgive and not be mad at me?" Seungyeon asked. "of course not-" Kim sighed. "see? you trust me , but love me too much to scold me back." Seungyeon said. "i'm sorry.." Kim said. "it's not your fault , come on let's take you home." Seungyeon then walked Kim home.

once they reached her place , Kim insisted they talk some more inside and Seungyeon couldn't say no.

"why did you come back?" Kim asked. "knowing you ever since young gave me a huge hint that you're not home after i left." Seungyeon said. "and how did you know where i was?" Kim asked. "your snapchat locations was enabled for friends right? i could see where you were." Seungyeon said. "oh.." Kim said. "i can't help but think what would have happened to you if i didn't decide to go look for you. that man might have already knocked you out with that beer bottle." Seungyeon said. "but he didn't , because you saved me." Kim said. "yeah but what if i wasn't there? i would have blamed myself until you were okay." Seungyeon said. "then maybe i should have been knocked out so you can stay by my side." Kim joked. "Kim!" Seungyeon raised his voice. "fine , thank you. but what did you mean by laying a hand on another guy's girlfriend?" Kim blushed as she remembered how Seungyeon said it. " was just to convince him that he couldn't hurt you." Seungyeon said. "oh..that's it?" Kim said.

after a moment of silence , Seungyeon spoke up. "look Kim , i didn't think that i would be so sad after this break up ; even if it was just a few hours. maybe all we need was a break and not a full break up. i don't think any of us can handle a break up now can we? a break is probably what we need. by then , i hope you'll learn to love yourself just like how i'll learn to love you as much as you loved me. and also , promise me to take care of yourself and not stay out late like that alright? i'll get going now.." Seungyeon stood up and was ready to leave when Kim ran to hug him from behind.

"i'll miss you.." Kim said softly. Seungyeon held her wrists that were around his waist and turned around to face her. "i'll miss you more." he pulled her into a hug ; snuggling his face into her soft hair. Kim pressed her face onto his chest as she smelled his cologne she'll miss for quite some time.


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