Seungyeon-Hold My Hand

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Genre : Fluff + Angst

Song : GOT7 Let Me

requested by imdyinghere

third person's pov
Seungyeon broke up with his girlfriend of 3 months a week ago because he caught her cheating on him for her ex. he already saw this coming after hearing her compare him to her ex multiple times. when he went to her apartment wanting to spend time with her , he saw an extra pair of shoes that was next to hers. after entering the apartment and seeing what he shouldn't see , he immediately went home and texted her about wanting a break up before deleting her number.

although it's been a week ever since their break up , Seungyeon is still hurt from her actions because she was his first relationship. he stays home 24/7 , has ramen and soju for his three meals damaging his health rapidly. Minji , his friend of 9 years has been trying to help him. it was another day of her dropping by his place with food she cooked herself. she usually drops by in the afternoon but she had an extra shift at her part-time job this afternoon so she can only drop by at night today.

"Seungyeon-ie~" she called out when she stepped into the house. Seungyeon was lying on the coach with ramen and soju bottles all over the floor. "you drank again? why didn't you listen to me?" Minji said picking up the empty bottles of soju and empty cups of ramen to throw them away. "Minji is here? come here." Seungyeon greeted her with a smile and his arms opened wide for her to hug him. "you're so drunk." Minji sighed.

after placing down the boxes of food she packed for him , she walked over to him and pulled his arm up helping him stand up. "go take a bath and you can have dinner after that." Minji said. "why is Minji so pretty today?" Seungyeon asked touching her chin. "you're drunk Seungyeon. go take a bath now. i'll wait outside." she pushed him into the bathroom and walked about 5 steps away before hearing a loud crash in there. she rushed back in and opened the unlocked door to see Seungyeon on the floor with the shampoo bottles around him.

"oh god." she said to herself before helping him up. "get up Seungyeon this isn't your bed. this is the shower." Minji said pulling getting him up. it was super tough for her since he is really heavy. "okay I think you should sit here first." Minji placed him on the floor first and went out to grab a chair for him to sit down. "is this better for you to bath?" Minji asked. "bath me." he smiled hugging her. "stop it Seungyeon i'm being serious here." Minji said. "then i don't wanna bath." Seungyeon said. "what? for real?" Minji stood there contemplating if she should bath him. "you know what? i think you can skip a day of bathing. i have no idea how am i gonna bath you even if i wanted to so..let's have dinner now." Minji said helping Seungyeon up to sit at the dining table.

she opened the different boxes and placed a box of rice infront of him. "eat up." she smiled at him who started digging into the food as if he hasn't eaten in days. "you have to stop eating ramen Seungyeon. it's not good to have it three times everyday. don't get me going with soju." Minji frowned. "it's okay because i'll have good food like these from you." he said. "that still won't make up for the amount of unhealthy food you have." Minji said. "i'm not even in the mood to move much at home , what makes you think i'll be in the mood to go outside and buy food?" Seungyeon said.

Minji just kept silent and let Seungyeon have his dinner peacefully. while Minji washed the utensils and the boxes , Seungyeon went to his bedroom and laid on his bed ready to sleep. after Minji was done , she cleaned up the place a little ; vacuuming the place and giving it a little mop. before she was going to leave , she decided to check on Seungyeon who was still on his bed.

although she wasn't the one who went through the break up , she could feel his pain as a long time friend of his because she has never seen him this sad before. when she turned around keeping her tears in her eyes wanting to leave , Seungyeon called her. "Minji." she froze before turning to him. "yeah?" she asked. "can you come here?" he asked. when she got closer to him , she noticed that his eyes were puffy. "did you cry?" she asked and he gave her a weak smile. "will you be by my side?" he asked. "yeah , i will." she said softly. after a moment of silence , he asked , "can i hold your hand?"

Minji offered her hand for him without saying anything. he wrapped his huge hands around her tiny ones and closed his eyes. "tonight is our just one chance." he muttered ; loud enough for her to hear. "one chance?" she asked. "can i hug you?" he asked. "sure." he got up and she sat on the edge of the bed giving him a hug. a warm , tight hug.

"Minji , i wanna let you know something." Seungyeon said to her ear. "what is it?" she asked. "through these 9 years , at one point i looked at you as a woman. in other words , i liked you. you were my first love. but i didn't want to take the chance and ruin our friendship so i never told you how i feel. is it okay if i ask you to let me hold your hand , and be my girlfriend?"

Minji was ambivalent. she wasn't sure if he was saying this because he was drunk or he's saying this from the bottom of his heart. she would accept him without hesitating if he was saying his true feelings but she felt like he was just drunk. he can't even move on from his ex after one week ; that means she meant a lot to him. "i'll let you hold my hand." she said.

"i love you." he said. "you should sleep Seungyeon , you're drunk-" Minji tried pulling away but Seungyeon's embrace around her only got tighter. "you think i'm kidding? i'm not saying drunk words. i am drunk but not to the extent i don't know what i'm saying." Seungyeon said. while hugging her , he laid down making her lay in his arms. "you agreed that i can hold your hand , so that means you're my girlfriend now."


A/N : i'm lowkey proud of this heh

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